Page 70 - World Airnews February Magazine Edition 2021
P. 70


                                  ASIA-PACIFIC OPTIMISTIC


           ATA Asia-Pacific head Conrad Clifford

        Iis optimistic that vaccines will start
         to relieve the impact of the coronavirus

         pandemic, but that airlines still face a very
         tough year.
          Asked about the best case scenario for

         airlines in 2021, Clifford said this would see
         a rapid rollout of vaccines accompanied
         by governments implementing standard

         testing protocols.

          With these two things in place, airlines
         could “maybe half of where we were in
         2019 by the end of the year.”
          “The worst case scenario is somewhat

         harder to define,” he said.        countries There is also the critical role IATA   international routes. He said regulators are

          “I’m actually expecting that the vaccines   members will play in distributing the vac-  likely to be more accommodating toward

         will work, and that they will get distribut-  cine globally by air, and the airline body will   joint venture arrangements, such as the
         ed,” he said.                      continue to stress that quarantines amount   proposed joint venture between Japan

          “Obviously, we’ve got this new [Covid-19]   to a de facto ban on air travel.  Airlines and Qantas.

         strain. I don’t think anybody really under-  “Another thing is that we are continuing   “It’s difficult for any airline to make mon-

         stands what the impact of the new strain   to talk to governments about the difficul-  ey on their own,” he said.

         is yet. But I’m pretty optimistic. I expect   ties that airlines are having and the need to   “So if you can allow some form of joint

         authorities to find a solution for that one.”  continue to provide subsidies and financial   venture, which is what JAL and Qantas

          In regard to IATA’s priorities in the   support for airlines to maintain an industry,   are proposing, it makes a lot of sense in

         Asia-Pacific this year, he named five items.   and also to continue to reduce or eliminate   terms of restarting route connectivity…
          First is the IATA Travel Pass Initiative. He   costs,” he said.     don’t forget, we’re back at 2003 levels for

         noted that there are big issues with pas-  “So that when things do get started, we   passenger numbers. We’ve lost 17 years

         sengers being denied boarding because of   don’t see a start that fails, because costs have   of route development. It’s difficult to bring
         varying requirements between countries.   gone up too much and it’s unsustainable.”  that back overnight.”

         Travel Pass will provide details on what   As for regional dynamics, Clifford said
         tests, vaccines and other measures passen-  he expected more consolidation in the   Article courtesy: https://www.flightglobal.

         gers need before travelling.       year ahead. He also expected airlines to   com/strategy/vaccines-testing-key-for-

          IATA will also continue to push hard for   work together more closely. He noted that   asia-pacific-recovery-this-year-

         standardised testing approaches among   load factors can be as low as 20-30% on   iata/

                               EMIRATES MORE FLIGHTS
                                             Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles,   Middle Eastern airlines saw demand
                                             New York JFK, Toronto and Washington.  drop 86 percent in the same month,
                    ubai’s Emirates airline has an-  In South America, it will also intro-  another slight improvement on the 86.9

            Dnounced it is to resume flights   duce a fifth weekly flight to São Paulo   percent year-on-year drop in October.

             to more destinations in South America   from February 5. The Dubai-based   The IATA data showed North Amer-

             and the US, as demand begins to return   airline currently serves 114 destinations   ican demand was down 83 percent in

             following the slowdown as a result of   across six continents.  November (and 87.8 percent in Octo-

             the coronavirus disease (COVID-19)   The International Air Transport Asso-  ber), while in Latin America the drop

             pandemic.                       ciation last week announced that total   was 78.6 percent, a strong improve-

              The airline will resume flights to Seat-  global passenger demand was down   ment on the 86.1 percent drop year-on-
             tle from February 1 and Dallas and San   70.3 percent year-on-year in Novem-  year in October.
             Francisco from March 2. This will boost   ber, a slight improvement on the 70.6

             to ten the number of cities it flies to in   percent year-to-year decline recorded   Article courtesy https://www.

             the US, with flights already operating to   in October.

                                                  World Airnews | February 2021
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