Page 71 - World Airnews February Magazine Edition 2021
P. 71


                                    IT’S NIMBLE AND ELECTRIC

               his new pilotless aircraft’s electric
         Tshort takeoff  and landing design
         (eSTOL) will move passengers in a 125-mile
         radius at a 250-mph cruising speed.
           Metro Hop’s unusual design, said its par-
         ent company, comes from a “game-chang-

         ing” active landing gear system that rapidly

         increases the initial acceleration on the   an 82-ft.-long runway to take off and land.   be replacing eVTOL designs but sees the

         runway to flight speed and, in the same   That includes roll-up rubber runways, posi-  new design as a reasonable addition to the

         way, quickly decelerates on landing.  tioned on rooftops, so that office buildings   fast-approaching electric-aircraft segment.

           The concept of eSTOLs, which take off     could be converted into individual airports.  Metro Hop plans to first launch a piloted,

         and land like traditional airplanes, are gain-  Metro Hop said the take-off and landings   cargo version which it says can transport

         ing attention since the manufacturers claim   of its new fixed-wing design also requires   goods 20 times faster than a truck on the

         they are much more energy-efficient than   dramatically less energy than its eVTOL   highway, adding that multiple hospitals

         the helicopter-like electric vertical takeoff   cousins. Less energy means a faster speed   have shown interest.
         and landing (eVTOL) designs.        and longer range for the aircraft.   After that, the company plans to introduce

           The Metro Hop’s stats, at least in theory,   The Northern California start-up, which has   a two-person, pilotless passenger plane to
         are impressive. The manufacturer said   received grants through the European Space   serve as a private commuter vehicle or air
         that the landing-gear system and large   Agency and BIC Bavaria, said its aircraft won’t   taxi. The concept is not just science fiction.

         wings would mean the aircraft needs only                               Q
                                    SAPFA FIXTURES FOR 2021
          JANUARY                                                                •  AERO - Wonderboom - 8 to 10 July 2021

          •  Rand Airport Challenge Rally - Rand   •  SAPFA Rally Nationals  & Fun Rally – Stel-  AUGUST
                                               lenbosch Airfield – 15 to 17 Apr 2021

           Airport– 30 Jan 2021                Contact Frank Eckard e-mail: frank.eckard@

           Contact Frank Eckard e-mail: frank.eckard@ cell: 083 269 1516  •  Secunda Speed Rally – Secunda Airfield
  cell: 083 269 1516     •  Aero Club Airweek –  Middelburg Air-  – Saturday 28th August 2021 Contact
          •  SAPFA AGM - Rand Airport          field – 24 to 27 Apr 2021          Jonty Esser e-mail: jonty@promptroof-

                                                                         cell: 082 855 9435
           30 Jan 2021 Time: 2 PM              Contact Rob Jonkers e-mail: rob@aero-
           Contact Rob Jonkers e-mail: rob@ cell: 082 804 7032      SEPTEMBER
  cell: 082 804 7032

                                             •  Middelburg Speed Rally - Middelburg   •  Secunda Speed Rally – Secunda Airfield
                                               Airfield - 27 Apr 2021             – 11 Sep 2020. Contact Jonty Esser

          FEBRUARY                             Contact Jonty Esser e-mail: jonty@  e-mail: cell:

          •  Witbank Speed Rally - Witbank Airfield cell: 082 855 9435  082 855 9435

           - 6 Feb 2021                      MAY                                 OCTOBER
           Contact Jonty Esser e-mail: jonty@  •  Krugersdrop Sheila Taylor Nav Rally Sat-  •  Springs Speed Rally – Springs Airfield

  cell: 082 855 9435  urday Thursday 8 May 2021 Frank Eckard   – Saturday 2nd October 2021 Contact

          •  SAPFA Commi�ee Bosberaad - 13 Feb 2021  e-mail: cell: 083   Jonty Esser e-mail: jonty@promptroof-

          •  Brakpan Fun Rally – Brakpan Airport –   269 1516            cell: 082 855 9435
           27 Feb 2021                       •  President’s Trophy Air Race – Ermelo Air-
           Contact Frank Eckard e-mail: frank.eckard@  field – Thursday 20 to 22 May 2021  NOVEMBER

  cell: 083 269 1516       Website: E-mail: Race@  •  SA Landing Championships - Stellenbosch

          MARCH                       Contact Rob Jonkers 082 804   Airfield - 6 Nov 2021
                                                                                  Contact Ron Stirk e-mail: melron@

                                               7032 e-mail:
          •  Morning Star ANR – Morning Star Air-                        cell:082 445 0373
           field – 6 Mar 2021                JUNE                                •  World Rally Champs Training Week -

           Contact Tony Russel e-mail: tonyr@  •  Silver Queen Rally –  Swartkops Air   Stellenbosch - 6 to 13 Nov 2021
   cell: 083 264 0107   Force Base – 12  Jun 2021      Contact Frank Eckard e-mail: frank.eck-
          •  Stellenbosch Fun Rally – Stellenbosch   Contact Rob Jonkers e-mail: rob@aero- cell: 083 269 1516

           Airfield – 27 Mar 2021     cell: 082 804 7032      •  World Rally Champs - Stellenbosch - 14
           Contact Frank Eckard e-mail: frank.eck-                                to 19 Nov 2021
  cell: 083 269 1516                                      Contact Mary de Klerk e-mail: maryd@ex-
                                             JULY                        cell: 084 880 9000
                                                   World Airnews | February 2021
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