Page 25 - World Airnews September 2020 Edition
P. 25




 here has been plenty of news in   extron Aviation has announced it
 Trecent months of airlines reti ring   Twas awarded a contract by ATI En-

 aircraft early as the industry comes to a   gineering Services, LLC for two multi-mis-

 standstill. Many retired planes are being   sion Cessna Grand Caravan EX aircraft for

 sent to aviation graveyards, otherwise   the Rwanda Defence Force in support of

 known as bone yards.   the African Partnership Flight initiative.

 Here, they live out the rest of their   This will be the first fixed-wing aircraft to

 days being picked apart as parts are tak-  be put in service by the RDF. The aircraft,

 en and used elsewhere. However, some   which are anticipated to enter service

 retired aircraft are not destined for scrap   during the first half of 2021, will primarily
 just yet.  be based in Kigali, Rwanda.
           The Cessna Grand Caravan EX is designed
 WHY DO AIRLINES RETIRE PLANES?  and manufactured by Textron Aviation

                                                                                  AFRICOM's intent is to field multiple

 As time and technology move on,   Incorporation.  gine economy and simplicity. It is a perfect   iterations of this configuration throughout

                                             match for this mission throughout the US

 manufacturers such as Boeing and Airbus,   This African Partnership Flight initiative   Africa Command area of responsibility.”  Africa, and to streamline logistics support

 and suppliers such as Rolls-Royce and   brings together a series of collaborative   ATI engineering services will modify and   and enhance partner nation interoperabil-

 Pratt & Whitney, find new ways to make   engagements between African nations to   equip the RDF’s Grand Caravan EX aircraft   ity, both of which will reduce costs to the

 aircraft more economical. This means   strengthen US strategic partnerships with   with secure high frequency and UHF or   partner nation and to the US government.

 more modern aircraft not only do less   key countries in Africa, exchange ideas   Ultra High Frequency radio systems, Night   AFRICOM’s African partners who already

 damage to the environment, but they   taken off flying status can spend months   pandemic has catalyzed their retirements.   on aviation-related topics, and enhance   Vision Imaging System, interior and exterior   possess Grand Caravan EX aircraft include

 are also cheaper to run. The new Airbus   being restored and repaired.  From passengers to pilots, Boeing 747 is   regional cooperation and interoperability.   lighting, and a reconfigurable multi-mission   Cameroon, Chad, Niger, Mali, Mauritania,

 A321neos use 15% less fuel compared   Airlines may also choose to temporarily   a favourite across the industry; however,   “The Grand Caravan EX serves an   interior featuring two ambulatory medical   Kenya and Uganda. These countries are
 to standard jets. With fuel costs rising,   store aircraft due to economic conditions   the Queen of the Skies is one of the largest   enduring mission by providing transport,   stretcher kits, 11 passenger seats, eight   co-participants in United Nations peacekeep-

 airlines are looking to cut fuel costs as   such as rising fuel costs. If an airline   casualties this year.  reconnaissance, and medical evacuation   collapsible utility seats and a removable   ing operations, particularly in missions in the

 much as possible.  is changing its network, consolidating   Qantas notably retired the last of its 747   operations throughout Africa,” said Bob   roller ball cargo floor.   Central African Republic and South Sudan.

 Additionally, like any machine, planes   with another airline or downsizing, it   units last month. The jumbo has been sent   Gibbs, vice president, special mission sales
                                              The US government has previously pro-
                                                                                  Increasing commonality of equipment,
 are subject to wear and tear. As planes get   may choose to ground some jets. These   to the Mojave Desert in California with sev-  for Textron Aviation.   vided grant aid funding for 14 Grand Car-  such as the Grand Caravan EX, serves as

 older, they naturally become less efficient.   jets may be retired permanently and be   eral of its siblings and 12 of Qantas’ A380s   “The aircraft is engineered for challeng-  avan EX aircraft procured through foreign   a focal point to substantially increase in-

 Just as we get older, we tend to slow down   snapped up by another airline or may   that are in hibernation there.  ing missions, high payloads and short,   military sale cases throughout Africa, with   ter-operability in operations, maintenance,

 and occasionally even need a few parts   only be stored temporarily until condi-  British Airways emotionally confirmed   rough runways while delivering single-en-  Rwanda being the latest recipient.  supply support and planning.  Q
 replaced, so do airplanes. Maintaining air-  tions improve.  that it is also retiring the jumbo early
 worthiness, therefore, becomes increasing-  There is also a strong second-hand   due to the implications surrounding
 ly expensive.  market for aircraft. Leasing companies   COVID-19. Many redundant 747s from
 Not only do the newer planes have a   often take retired planes and refurbish   across the globe are being sent to Cots-  AIRLINES

 direct cost-benefit, but they also have a   them before leasing them to airlines who   wold Airport in the Gloucestershire. The

 more subtle benefit. Newer planes are   cannot afford, or do not want, to buy   small British field has a storage park for
 equipped with the latest in passenger   their own. One of the most well known   aircraft that are don’t have a role in the   MAIDEN LONG-HAUL

 comforts. From mood lighting to minimize   is Hi Fly, which recently gave a new lease   current climate.

 jetlag to better entertainment systems,   of life to Airbus A380 formerly flown by   Altogether, travel restrictions, border

 sleeker designs, and comfier seats, mod-  Singapore Airlines.  closures, and passenger concerns have   CHARTER TO CANADA

 ern jets offer passengers a better expe-  caused an unprecedented downturn in

 rience. Generally, passengers are more   TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THE   passenger numbers across the globe. Even
 likely to travel on an airline with newer   DOWNTURN  though some services are picking up slowly,   at 6:40 pm (local time). The airline chartered   ical and essential supplies and we intend to

 planes than older ones.  There is no industry standard of when a   it could take three to five years for activity   a wide-body Airbus A330-900 Neo aircraft   keep on with our efforts.”
 to return to 2019 levels.

                                                                                 “We, at SpiceJet, are extremely sad-

 WHY NOT SCRAP THEM ALL?  plane should retire permanently or what   Planes such as the 747 and the A380 were   he first Indian budget airline has   from Hi Fly for this flight. The twin-aisle   dened by the Air India Express tragedy
 should happen to it. Various factors can

                                              A330 Neo aircraft has a configuration of 353

 Once an airline has decided to remove   affect an aircraft retirement age, including   already under review due to more efficient,   Toperated a long-haul fl ight to   economy and 18 business class seats.  and extend our deepest condolences to

 aircraft from its fleet, the aircraft are   the number of flight hours and pressuriza-  modern types being available. However,   North America and repatriated 352 Cana-  Ajay Singh, chairman and managing di-  the families of the bereaved and pray for

 generally sent to bone yards. Sometimes, a   tion cycles.  with long-haul opportunities limited amid   dian nationals and permanent residents.  rector SpiceJet said, “Our first-ever long-  a speedy recovery of those injured.”

 plane goes to a bone yard for maintenance   The recent downturn has meant that   the current situation, these models are   Continuing with its mission to help   haul charter flight to Canada is another   Earlier in August SpiceJet repatriated

 or an overhaul. Bone yards often have   many aircraft have retired early. Rather   now required even less.  stranded passengers get back home, Spice-  example of our commitment to helping as   269 Indians who had been stranded in

 maintenance hangars attached for this   than pay to store aircraft at airports, air-  Therefore, until there are regular,   Jet, a budget airline and air cargo operator,   many people as we can to get back home   Amsterdam to Bengaluru and Hyderabad.

 purpose. These hangars are also used to   lines have been using this time to refurbish   diverse operations occurring across the   completed its first-ever long-haul wide-  to their families in these troubled times.   The airline has operated over 515

 remove parts for scrap.  their aircraft and renew their fleet.  nations again, many planes will be taking   body charter flight to North America. In a   “Being the first Indian budget airline to   charter and Vande Bharat flights and

 However, if a plane is being retired   well-deserved sabbaticals and retirements   unique initiative, SpiceJet repatriated 352   operate a non-stop long-haul flight to North   repatriated Indian citizens from countries

 completely, it doesn’t mean it will stay in   A NECESSARY MEASURE  in the sun. Q  Canadian nationals and permanent resi-  America is a proud moment for the SpiceJet   such as Philippines, Kyrgyzstan, Russia,
 the bone yard forever. Sometimes, retired   The global health crisis has rocked the   dency holders from New Delhi to Toronto.  family. We have operated flights across the   Netherlands, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman,

 aircraft are overhauled and then snapped   aviation market from top to bottom. Even   Article courtesy of   The flight departed from New Delhi at 8.10   globe repatriating close to 85,000 people   Qatar, Lebanon, Bangladesh, Maldives

 up by other airlines that don’t have the   if carriers were planning to eventually let  am IST and was scheduled to reach Toronto   and transporting over 28,000 tons of med-  and Sri Lanka. Q

 cash to buy new jets. Aircraft temporarily   go of some members of their fleet, the   retirement-parking-vs-scrap/

 World Airnews | September 2020                   World Airnews | September  2020
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