Page 28 - World Airnews September 2020 Edition
P. 28

NEWS                                                                                                                     NEWS

                                  APOC ACQUIRES ANOTHER                                                                                                   CATHAY PACIFIC STRIPS

                                  A320                                                                                                                    SEATS FROM 777 AIRCRAFT

                                             Inevitably there will be a decline in the
                                           market value of older narrow body parts -

               POC Aviation has purchased   so the A320 and B737 family aircraft APOC                                                   fter operating thousands of car-

       Aanother A320 family airframe       Aviation seeks are those equipped with the                                           Ago-only passenger fl ights since late

        for teardown. Built in 2000, the aircraft   latest modifications.                                                       March, Cathay Pacific has deployed two wide

        was last operated in Europe and it is the   “As airlines worldwide slowly rebuild their                                 body aircraft with seats removed to maximise

        fifth narrow body acquisition that APOC   operations, narrowbodies and regional jets                                    floor loading of cargo in the passenger cabin.

                                           will be the first to fly again. Our pro-active

                                                                                                                                  The Hong Kong-based airline removed
        has successfully closed this year.   teardown programme is designed to increase                                         the economy and premium economy seats

         Funding for the purchase was swiftly   our stock of high-quality commercial parts,                                     from two Boeing 777 passenger planes to
        secured through private placement.  It is   not just replenish.  We will support our                                    create more space for personal protection

        anticipated that the first serviceable parts,   customers through the sale of parts but also                            equipment and high-value products, it said

        including landing gear but not engines, will   exchange, loan and consignment - whatever                                in a cargo-oriented published recently.
        be parted out from the teardown facility in   is best for them” said van den Boogaard.
                                                                                                                                  Cathay Pacific began flying the modified

        Spain in the fourth quarter of the year.   Over the next few months, APOC has                                           aircraft at the end of July to Australia. It

         Jasper van den Boogaard, vice president air   further airframe acquisitions in the pipeline   Jasper van den Boogaard  is participating in Australia’s International   front and rear seat rows in place to protect   and overhead baggage compartments since

        frame acquisition and trading at APOC Aviation,   and van den Boogaard, who is an ISTAT                                 Freight Assistance Mechanism, which the   the doors and bulkheads from cargo that   May, developed special procedures for

        said the company is confident it can continue   certified appraiser, is observing the fluctua-  of those can access the necessary liquidity to   government created to help agricultural   might shift during turbulence. Two or three   loading cargo on cabin floors.

        to secure investment for the right assets.   tions in aircraft asset valuations closely.   complete transactions smoothly.”   exporters get products to market after   airline employees accompany the cargo   Warehouse workers put the cargo bags in

         “APOC Aviation was quick to seize this   “In today’s environment there will be more   Once teardown of the A320 is completed,   airlines closed passenger networks because   in the cabin to periodically check on the

        opportunity and we had secure financing in   aircraft, LDGs and engines for sale, even   parts will be shipped to the Company’s close-  of the corona virus pandemic.   cargo and respond to any potential fire.   half-sized containers in the order they will

                                                                                                                                                                                                       be positioned in the plane. The containers

        place to close the deal.  Even in these difficult   though many are currently parked or stored   ly audited group of repair stations worldwide   The emergency programme, which has   All aviation authorities that allow airlines   are towed to the aircraft and unloaded one

        times I am pleased to say that, despite the   in the hope that prices will rise again. But   whereupon components will be returned to   been extended until year’s end, co-ordinates   to operate with cabin cargo require cargo   box at a time into hydraulic catering service

        constraints of COVID-19, APOC was able   few investors are buying right now. No-one   serviceable status before transition to APOC’s   and subsidises shipments through a select   marshals because cabins aren’t equipped   trucks that are lifted to the rear doors of the

        to source and finalise deals for our target   wants to make a bad deal so I cannot see the   Rotterdam warehouse facility.   group of freight forwarders and airlines. The   with fire-suppression systems. Dangerous   aircraft. Ground handlers then wheel boxes

        aircraft.  If something is for sale we’ll look at it   volume of deals increasing quickly. Pre-COVID   “Strategic investment in A320 family   seatless aircraft, which were reconfigured by   goods are never allowed in the upper deck.  into the cabin, position them according to

        but I must emphasise that we are focused on   there would frequently be 30 or 40 offers on   spares increases APOC’s inventory of premi-  HAECO in Xiamen, China, can carry 12 extra   Redeploying idle aircraft for dedicated   the load plan and zip and secure the bags.

        the youngest assets at a price we can afford.”    the table, now it is just a handful and not all   um components” said van den Boogaard. Q  tons of cargo, according to Cathay Pacific.   cargo service has been lucrative for passen-  Cabin loading takes much more time and

                                                                                                                                  The overhaul and maintenance company   ger airlines.                 manpower than loading a pure freighter

                                                                                                                                                                     Cathay Pacific is late to the game of re-

               FLIGHTSMART TO PARTICIPATE IN                                                                                    also modified the seat track and marked     moving seats from passenger planes to cre-  with containers and pallets. Cathay Pacific
                                                                                                                                lashing points for securing cargo to the floor.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       estimates the load time at about three

                                                                                                                                                                    ate more space for cargo. Air Canada and
                                                                                                                                                                                                       hours, but said it hopes to get faster as it

                                                                                                                                  The Hong Kong civil aviation department

                  THE AFWERX 2020 CHALLENGE                                                                                     requires the airline to place cargo in cus-  Lufthansa did so in April. The US federal   refines the handling process. Alex Leung,
                                                                                                                                                                    aviation administration last month granted

                                                                                                                                                                                                       the cargo products manager, said Cathay
                                                                                                                                tomized bags made from a fire-retardant

                                                                                                                                                                    US carriers the authority to strip cabins of
                                                                                                                                                                                                       could convert more planes to seat-less
                                                                                                                                material that helps keep the cargo intact.

                                                                                                                                Other airlines are using “seat bags” to pro-  seats for cargo purposes. But Cathay Pacific   freighters if demand persists, especially

                                            ment, directly aligned with AFWERX goals.    If chosen as the challenge winner,     tect aircraft interiors from boxes placed in   is a combination carrier with a fleet of 20   as the need for pandemic supplies collides

                                             FlightSafety developed FlightSmart in   FlightSafety will work with air combat     seats, but this is the first known example of   Boeing 747 freighters at its disposal and   with the peak shipping season this fall.

               lightSafety International has   conjunction with IBM, a world leader in   command, air education and training    an airline receiving an operating exemption   likely didn’t feel the urgency of pure pas-  Cathay is only operating about 10% of its

                                                                                                                                                                    senger airlines to increase cargo capacity.

         Fannounced that its integrated pilot   advanced analytics and AI.    command and global strike command to              for floor loading with bagged cargo. Each   Cathay Pacific, which has been carrying   normal passenger schedule this month and

                                                                                                                                bag is secured to the floor with a net.

          performance and evaluation training   “FlightSmart collects and analyzes pilot   develop a solution that leverages existing                               medical supplies and other goods in seats   has warned it expects to record a (US) $1.3

          tool called FlightSmart will be used in   performance data using advanced analyt-  and new data for content development   Safety requirements include keeping the                            billion loss for the first half of 2020. Q

                                                                              and proves the efficacy of military avia-

          the Accelerating Pilots to Combat-Ready   ics that are presented on a real-time web-  tion training and development.

                                            based dashboard,” said Bert Sawyer, di-
          Aviators Challenge 2020.          rector strategic management. “It employs   FlightSafety International is the world’s         AFRICA

            FlightSmart was chosen from among   artificial intelligence and machine learning   premier professional aviation training

          more than 200 entrants. FlightSmart lever-  technology to capture insights using evi-  company and supplier of flight simulators,

          ages AI and Machine Learning, harnessing   dence-based training methodologies and   visual systems and displays to commercial,         URGENT BAILOUT NEEDED
          the data-rich training environment from   then predicts the best training approach   government and military organisations.

          classroom to full motion simulators.    to learning by providing instructors with a   FlightSafety’s highly qualified instruc-

            The objectives of the Accelerating Pi-  comprehensive understanding of a pilot’s   tors provide more than 1.4 million hours                              financial situation of the Tunisian national   Before the Covid-19 pandemic health

          lots to Combat-Ready Aviators Challenge   strengths and weaknesses.”  of training each year to pilots, techni-                                             company.                         crisis hit the continent Tunisair was already
          include improving the efficiency and   FlightSmart algorithms incorporate   cians and other aviation professionals                  e need to establish an   Faced with union leaders, and certain of-  planning to restructure the airline to the

          effectiveness of combat-ready aviators,   rapid prototyping that are easily tailored   from 167 countries and independent ter-  Wurgent, short-term rescue   ficials of the national flagship, the minister   tune of nearly 400 million euros. This would

          creating a more effective Air Force   to meet customer demands and promote   ritories. FlightSafety operates the world’s   plan,” was said at a recent working session   Fadel Karim insisted that everyone had a   include the possible retrenchment or layoff

          for the good of national security, and   individualised training.    largest fleet of advanced full-flight sim-                                            duty to ensure that the carrier maintains   of more than 60% of its workforce.

          improving communication and collabora-  FlightSmart is adaptable to a wide va-  ulators at learning centres and training   devoted to the development of a plan for   its sustainability and regains its balance   The pandemic, coupled with the

          tion across pilot training programs.  riety of organisations seeking objective   locations in the United States, Australia,   the Tunisian national carrier.  and its influence. The minister agreed that   recent sacking of the CEO Elyes Mnakbi

            FlightSmart technology delivers objective   analysis of individual or overall per-  Brazil, Canada, China, France, Hong Kong,   The meeting, organised by the act-  another meeting should be scheduled in   has further plunged the carrier into

          and intelligent assessments of pilot perfor-  formance in live, virtual, synthetic and   India, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway,   ing minister of transport and logistics   the future to examine the strategic direc-  financial and managerial instability. Q

          mance throughout the training environ-  constructive training environments.  South Africa and the United Kingdom. Q      was specifically aimed at assessing the   tions of all concerned.

                                                World Airnews | September  2020                                                                                          World Airnews | September  2020
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