Page 35 - World Airnews September 2020 Edition
P. 35




                                                 “Though the installation of the drone con-

                                               version package is a relatively new venture for

                 team from Boeing and the US air   us, our hope is to leverage cost efficiencies and

         Aforce completed the fi rst QF-16 full-  proficiencies benefiting both partners.”

         scale aerial target to undergo conversion from   Conversion of the F-16 A/C aircraft to the

         a modification line in Arizona.       unmanned QF-16 configuration requires

           The aircraft was flown last month to Tyndall   modification of the airframe and installation of

         air force base, Florida, where it will be used   major components.
         autonomously in future weapons training   The QF-16 performs both autonomous

         operations.                           manoeuvres through autopilot and controlled

           The 309th aerospace maintenance and   manoeuvres through ground stations.
         regeneration group located at Davis-Mon-  “The partnership between Boeing and

         than AFB in Tucson teamed with Boeing   AMARG is crucial to expediting capability to

         under a public-private partnership to create   the warfighters,” said Craig DeMeester, Boeing
         a second modification line to supplement   QF-16 program manager.
         ongoing QF-16 work at Boeing’s Cecil Field   “It’s an example of great teamwork, and

         site in Jacksonville, Florida.        completing this first jet is just the beginning as

           “The delivery of this first AMARG modified   we have more deliveries planned this year and

         QF-16 aerial target drone is a testimony of the   well into next year.”

         cooperative, synergistic relationship we had   Boeing began converting retired F-16s into

         hoped for when we created the private-public   QF-16s in 2015. More than 120 aircraft are on

         partnership with Boeing,” said col. Jennifer   contract to be modified, with over 40 percent
         Barnard commander of the 309th AMARG.   delivered to date. Q

                                               to deliver an affordable, capable and reliable

                                               aircraft for the warfighter.
               ell Textron has unveiled its new   “The MTC is the next step in successfully
        B140,000ft ² manufacturing technology   deploying new manufacturing technologies
         centre in Fort Worth, Texas.          and processes into Bell’s future factories,” said
                                               Glenn Isbell, vice president, rapid prototyping

           The centre is an innovative space where Bell   and manufacturing innovation.

         will test and refine technologies and processes   “These future factories working together
         - demonstrating manufacturing readiness and   with our teammates and suppliers will be

         ability to successfully build and support Future   designed to enable high-quality, high-rate
         Vertical Lift (FVL) aircraft.         production of the Bell V-280 Valor, Bell 360

           The facility provides capabilities that span   Invictus and other future aircraft.”

         all of Bell’s core manufacturing of rotor and   Digital connectivity and integration form the

         drive systems, critical infrastructure and final   backbone of the MTC. Every inch of the facility
         assembly.                             will be monitored and controlled by a net-
           Since establishing a footprint in North Texas   work of IT, Internet of Things (IoT) and cyber
         in 1951, Bell’s facilities have been a hub for   security systems that manage the inflow and

         new technology in aviation. Many milestones,   outflow of materials, as well as the movement

         including first flight of the XV-15, V-22, 609 and   of activity throughout the factory.

         407, took place in the DFW metroplex.   By deploying a networked software infra-

           Building FVL aircraft will require the right   structure, the MTC will produce a digital twin

         blend of investment in manufacturing technol-  of itself that gives everyone a common operat-
         ogy and a quality workforce, as well as strong   ing picture of the building, the equipment and
         partnerships with the state and community,   the processes.  Q
                                                  World Airnews | September 2020
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