Page 41 - World Airnews September 2020 Edition
P. 41

Safety in African Aviation                                                    4  af t erno ons
                   Safety in African Aviation
                                                                                                 4  afternoons
                                                                                      Packed with safety  promotion
                                                                                        Packed with safety  promotion
                   SIAA 2020
 SPACE                                                                               live from our studio, straight into
                                                                                      live from our studio, straight into
                                                                                            your (home)office in
                                                                                             your (home)office in
 VIRGIN ORBIT TO LAUNCH  SIAA 2020                                                         OctOber and
                                                                                            OctOber and
 11 SATELLITES FOR NASA  Africa's Aviation Safety Conference                                 nOvember
                   Africa's Aviation Safety Conference
 By Greg Rose                                                                                        honesty donation of
                                                                                                      honesty donation of
                                               theme of 7th edItIon:                                     uS$50
                                                theme of 7th edItIon:
      "mAturIng SAfety mAnAgement SyStemS (SmS) & StAte SAfety progrAmS (SSp)"
       "mAturIng SAfety mAnAgement SyStemS (SmS) & StAte SAfety progrAmS (SSp)"
 irgin Orbit’s upcoming Launch
 VDemo 2 mission on LauncherOne
 will carry 11 small satellites from NASA
 onboard, as part of NASA’s CubeSat Initia-

 tive (CSLI).

 The mission is planned to occur before
 the end of the year, with Virgin Orbit’s

 carrier aircraft Cosmic Girl taking off from
 Mojave Air and Space Port in California.
 Once in orbit, the satellites will conduct

 a variety of scientific studies and demon-
 strate new spacecraft technology.

 By supporting NASA, university-led
 scientific research and orbital technology

 demonstrations, the mission strikes at the
 heart of Virgin Orbit’s purpose of opening
 access to space for good.
 NASA was one of the first customers to

 sign up for a flight onboard Virgin Orbit’s

 new rocket, purchasing a flight through

 a competitive selection process run by

 NASA’s Venture Class Launch Services pro-
 gram (VLCS), which was designed to help
    In four AfternoonS we'll be lookIng At:
 open the door for future dedicated launch   In four AfternoonS we'll be lookIng At:

 opportunities through new, firm fixed-price   •  deployIng SAfety dAtA ACroSS the regIon
    •  deployIng SAfety dAtA ACroSS the regIon

 commercial launch capabilities.
 True to the spirit of the VCLS program,   •  humAn fACtorS And Crew reSourCe mAnAgement
    •  humAn fACtorS And Crew reSourCe mAnAgement

 NASA has elected to fly on this Launch
    •  ground operAtIonS & ground hAndlIng SAfety
 Demo-2 test flight.   •  ground operAtIonS & ground hAndlIng SAfety

 Nearly every satellite that will be onboard
    •  runwAy SAfety
 LauncherOne for this mission has been fully   •  runwAy SAfety
 designed and built by universities across   •  prIorItISIng ICAo StAndArdS to AChIeve A mInImum level of SAfety?

    •  prIorItISIng ICAo StAndArdS to AChIeve A mInImum level of SAfety?
 the US.
    •  whAt Are Core reASonS for A low level of ComplIAnCe?
 These include:  •  whAt Are Core reASonS for A low level of ComplIAnCe?
 •  PolarCube (University of Colorado at
 Boulder, Boulder, Colorado)
 •  MiTEE (University of Michigan, Ann
 Arbor, Michigan)  •  INCA (New Mexico State University,

 •  CACTUS-1 (Capitol Technology Uni-  Las Cruces, New Mexico)  to be part of this important demonstration
 mission and to have the opportunity to put
 versity, Laurel, Maryland)  Once in orbit, the satellites will conduct   these amazing spacecraft into orbit.”  more information and registration at:
                                                             exchanging bright ideas for
    more information and registration at:

 •  Q-PACE (University of Central Flori-  a variety of scientific studies as well as   Virgin Orbit CEO Dan Hart said “We are   exchanging bright ideas for

 da, Orlando, Florida)  demonstrate new spacecraft technology.

 •  TechEdSat-7 (NASA Ames Research   “Expanding our domestic capability for   so very honoured to be supporting NASA  safety

 by flying these payloads on our upcoming

 Center, Moffett Field, California)  small satellite launches is of great impor-  Launch Demo mission. NASA’s mission,

 •  RadFXSat-2 (Vanderbilt University,   tance to NASA, CSLI, and the Launch Services   coupled with the opportunity to provide
 Nashville, Tennessee)  Program,” said Scott Higginbotham, mission   a boost to space for university students,

 •  EXOCUBE (California Polytechnic Uni-  manager and CSLI/ELaNa lead for NASA.   is incredibly inspiring to our whole team.
 versity, San Luis Obispo, California)  “The combination of innovative small   It aligns perfectly with our central theme

 •  CAPE-3 (University of Louisiana at   satellites and new dedicated launch ve-  being to open space for everyone. The
     Brought to you by:
                                    In association with:

 Lafayette, Lafayette, Louisiana)  hicles like the ones we are using through   Virgin Orbit team is hard at work putting   Brought to you by:  In association with:  Sponsors:

 •  PICS (Brigham Young University,   the VLCS program will help unlock new   the final touches on our next rocket, and
 Provo, Utah). This mission consists of   ways for NASA to conduct science and to   doing everything possible to assure a safe

 multiple CubeSats.  advance space technology. We are excited   and successful flight.” Q

 World Airnews | September 2020  Independent | Non-profit | Innovative  World Airnews | September 2020
      Independent | Non-profit | Innovative
 — 38 —                               — 39 —
      SafetyFocus Magazine           Interested in becoming a sponsor and drive brand awareness? Contact us at
                                              Edition 34 - 2020
       SafetyFocus Magazine
                                             Edition 34 - 2020
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