Page 51 - World Airnews September 2020 Edition
P. 51


          initially downwind you could allow the   made this route particularly tough with   Hans Schwebel and Ron Stirk in their C150
          timing to drift, just to catch up again one   the twisty turns, which the scores would   ZS-NBT, and third place went to Mauritz du
          the last two or so legs to be “in-time” over   reflect.              Plessis and Sandy Goddard in their C150
          the finish. Headings did not feature much   After each round, the flight finished off   ZU-BLL.
          while flying, having to lay off due to the   with a spot landing. In these gusty condi-
          strong wind, it was best just to fly on map   tions it was tough to achieve good landing   For the landings both landings counted
          features.                         scores. After everyone was back, scoring   towards a score - landing before the line
           In an ANR, both crew are in fact naviga-  started. With some logger and software   attracted more penalties than after the
          tors. The pilot navigates the LH corridor   challenges, it took a bit of time and prize   line. In the sportsman class in first place
                                                                               were Fanie Scholtz and Herman Haasbroek,
          boundary and the navigator navigates the   giving took place at around 3.30pm.  in second place Andrew Lane and Angie
          RH corridor boundary. It is vital that both                          Maroun and third place went to Apie and
          communicate map features match what   The results were separated into two   Frederik Kotzee. In the Unlimited class
          is going on over the ground. The maps are   classes, sportsman class and Unlimited. The   Nigel Hopkins and Mary de Klerk took first
          provided at a scale of 1:200 000, and here   Unlimited teams were the Proteas. Overall   place, second went to Martin Meyer and
          in SA the feature updates were last done   winners in the sportsman Class were Apie   Rob Jonkers and  Mauritz du Plessis and
          in 2015, making some parts of the route   and Frederik Kotzee in their Robinson R44     Sandi Goddard took third position.
          difficult to recognise where urban devel-  ZS-HRS, in second place Eugene van Staden
          opment has occurred since then making it   and Munaf Mubarak in their Sling ZU-IBH   Thanks to the Brakpan club for hosting
          even more challenging.            and in third place Hendrik and Jandre Loots   this event and to Jonty Esser for making
                                            in their Sling ZU-IHK.
           After the first route was complete the                              all the logistic arrangements, Frank and
                                              In the Protea (Unlimited) class, first
          teams got on plotting the second route.   place went to Jonty and Jonathan Esser   Cally Eckard for all the route planning and
                                                                               scoring and Nigel Musgrave for carrying out
          The first aircraft got off at around 1pm with   in their C150 ZU-BLL, in second place was
          the wind having picked up even more. This                            the compliance and safety duty. Q

                                                World Airnews | September Extra 2020
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