Page 54 - World Airnews September 2020 Edition
P. 54


                     THE G1000

               NXI UPGRADE

                 IN THE PIPER


                                            boasts a comprehensive feature set with   way flight plan transfer, the sharing
                                            new and advanced capabilities. Unique   of traffic, weather, GPS information
         Garmin International has been given   features included as part of the G1000 NXi   and back-up attitude information.
          Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)   upgrade for the Piper Meridian include:  •   The G1000 NXi system supports
          certification and availability of the G1000   •   Surface Watch runway monitoring   the display of various Automatic
          NXi upgrade for G1000-equipped Piper   technology, which provides visual   Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast
          Meridian aircraft.                     and aural cues to help prevent pilots   (ADS-B) In benefits via the GTX 345R
                                                 from taking off or landing on a
            “G1000 NXi-equipped aircraft are     taxiway, on a runway that is too   transponder2.
          recognized for their advanced capabilities   short or on the wrong runway based   •   Pilots can optionally overlay
          and significant performance upgrades, and   on performance data entered during   European Visual Reporting Points
          today we’re excited to add another aircraft   pre-flight.                 (VRPs) on the moving map, as VRPs
          to the eligibility list,” said Carl Wolf, vice   •   Visual approaches offer pilots   are standard within the navigation
          president of aviation sales and marketing.   enhanced guidance in visual flight   database.
           “When pilots fly behind this modern   conditions based on a three-degree   •   Display of sectional charts, as well
          integrated flight deck, they’ll immediately   glide slope from the threshold of the   as IFR low/high enroute charts are
          notice its smooth and responsive display   runway. Pilots can set customized   available on the MFD.
          and appreciate the latest, innovative   minimums, select vectors or    •   Smart Airspace highlights the
          features - they’ll wonder how they ever   straight-in for the final approach   airspace nearest the aircraft’s
          flew without the G1000 NXi.”           intercept and fly a visual approach   current altitude and de-emphasizes
           State-of-the-art processors support   coupled with the autopilot.        non-pertinent airspace.
          faster map rendering and smoother   •   Geographical map overlay within the   •   COM frequencies are decoded and
          panning throughout the G1000 NXi       HSI supports the display of NEXRAD,   displayed on the PFD for easier
          displays. The flight displays also initialise in   Flight Information Service-Broadcast   interpretation.
          seconds so pilots have immediate access   (FIS-B) weather1, weather radar,   •   Decoded Terminal Aerodrome
          to frequencies, flight plan data and more,   SafeTaxi airport diagrams, traffic1,   Forecasts (TAFs) can be viewed on
          saving valuable time in the cockpit.   terrain and more.                  the MFD.
           The G1000 NXi integrated flight deck also   •   Flight Stream 510 and Connext   •   Split-screen functionality allows
          incorporates contemporary animations   technology enables database        pilots to view flight plans, charts and
          and LED back-lighting, offering increased   concierge, the wireless transfer of   more simultaneously.
          display brightness and clarity, reduced   aviation databases from the Garmin   •   An optional audio panel upgrade
          power consumption and improved dimming   Pilot app on a mobile device to the   offers advanced features such as 3D
          performance.                           G1000 NXi integrated flight deck.   Audio, auto squelch and Bluetooth
           The G1000 NXi integrated flight deck   Flight Stream 510 also supports two-  connectivity. Q

                                                 World Airnews | September Extra 2020
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