Page 31 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 31


                                   A STRUCTURED AND


                                   COVID-19 RESPONSE

                                              During the virtual AFRAA 50th AGA, Tefera Mekonnen,
                                             secretary general of AFCAC (African Civil Aviation Com-
                                           mission) called on African airlines to implement Covid-19
                                            protocols in a structured and co-ordinated fashion. Here
                                                         is a shortened version of his keynote address.

                                             African’s aviation sector’s response to the   nancial resources to support African aviation

                                             impact of COVID-19 followed a structured   not only to support the restart and recovery
                he COVID-19 pandemic has had   and co-ordinated approach for a successful   but to put the African air transport industry
          Tan unprecedented impact on our    restart and sustainable recovery.   on a renewed path towards sustainability.
          industry. Massive losses in revenues and   The HLTF not only adopted the ICAO   During the COVID-19 pandemic re-

          jobs are being witnessed by airlines, civil   CART key principles and measures as part   strictions, AFCAC has also continued to

          aviation authorities, air navigation service   of its framework but also developed 15   undertake work towards putting in place

          providers and airports.            African specific recommendations grouped   a mechanism to assist all eligible African

           “The ripple effect has spread to other   as financial, technical, sustainability of air   Airlines to achieve IOSA/ISSA certification.

          strategic institutions and pillars that drive   transport, communication, policy harmon-  To this effect we will be signing agree-

          air transport’s contributions to the African   isation and co-operation and quality data   ments with AFRAA and IATA as part of

          economy.                           and capacity building recommendations.   the AfDB institutional support project to

           “Despite the impact of the pandemic,   In co-ordination with the respective   implement the SAATM.

          we believe that the aviation industry has   African civil aviation authorities, AFCAC   The challenges that threaten the benefits

          been put in a situation where it must focus   has been championing the harmonisation   promised by aviation in Africa, must be ad-

          on every opportunity to recover, build   and co-ordination in the implementation of   dressed in order to increase Africa’s share

          resilience and become sustainable through   COVID-19 protocols to effectively support   in global air transport.

          rethinking its strategies and collaboration   our African airlines in their resumption of   There is no better time than now. We

          in ways that will truly redefine air transport   international travel.   have seen how innovation has become the

          for a new era.                      With regards to the issue of financial aid,   new normal. We must equally be innova-

           “AFCAC in recognition of the impor-  AFCAC continues to work with the AUC, the   tive in aviation.

          tance of the African aviation industry, at   World Bank, Afrexim Bank and African De-  Existing African continental initiatives
          the onset of the pandemic, embarked on   velopment Bank to mobilise the required fi-  such as the SAATM, AfCFTA and other

          activities aimed at supporting                                                 Agenda 2063 flagship projects

          and reducing further damage                                                    provide a good basis for the
          caused by COVID-19.                                                            growth of intra African air
           AFCAC co-ordinated the Af-                                                    travel ready to be exploited by
          rican immediate relief and re-                                                 African airlines.
          covery measures with various                                                    In concluding, he issued a call

          stakeholders including AFRAA                                                   to action for African airlines to,
          on development of immediate                                                    amongst others, operate under

          relief measures for the African                                                the SAATM and fly without
          aviation sector for the consid-                                                hindrance based on their own

          eration of ministerial sub-com-                                                economic considerations and

          mittee of STC transport.                                                       subject to safety and secu-

           Following this action, some                                                   rity concerns of the aviation

          important resolutions were                                                     authorities. Any challenges

          taken as result to support the                                                 encountered to be brought to

          African aviation sector.                                                       the attention of AFCAC, the

           AFCAC, through the leader-                                                    executing agency.

          ship of the African Union and                                                   While the COVID-19 has affect-

          with the support from ICAO                                                     ed African aviation industry, it

          regional offices co-ordinated                                                  has presented all of us with an

          and mobilised industry part-                                                   opportunity to collaborate, look

          ners across the aviation supply                                                inwards and unleash the full Afri-

          chain to establish a high level                                                can potential and grow together
          task force  or (HLTF).                                                         into the Africa we want. Q

           The objectives of this body
          are amongst others to ensure                                                   *Speech shortened in places.
                                                   World Airnews | December 2020
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