Page 26 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 26

TRAVEL                                                                                                                   TRAVEL

                                  KENYA VOTED AS TOP                                                                                                      SOUTH AFRICA ALLOWS

                                  TOURIST DESTINATION                                                                                                     TRAVEL TO ALL COUNTRIES

                                                                                       By George Sayagie                                                              check on recent travel to affected areas.   Everyone is required to wear a cloth face

                                                                                                                                                                    •  Quarantine requirements: If you fail   mask when in public. Failure to comply

                                                                                                                                   nternational travel has now resumed to   to produce a paper copy of a negative   with South African government regula-

                                                                                                                                Iand from South Africa. However, anyone   COVID-19 test you will be required to   tions could result in a fine or arrest.

             enya has been ranked as Africa's                                                                                   travelling to South Africa will be required to   quarantine at a government-appointed   •  Accommodation: Hotels, guest houses

       Kleading tourist desti nati on in 2020                                                                                   produce a paper copy of a negative COVID-19   facility at your own cost. Self-isolation   and private rental accommodation are
        by the World Travel Awards (WTA).                                                                                       test upon arrival. The test should have been   is not required if you have provided the   allowed to open subject to government
                                                                                                                                                                                                          regulations. Upon arrival at your accom-

                                                                                                                                                                      negative COVID-19 test.
         The results were announced recently                                                                                    taken no less than 72 hours prior to arrival.                             modation, you will normally be subject-

        virtually from England during the 27th WTA                                                                              Travellers are advised to carry multiple paper   •  Data collection: The South African   ed to a temperature test and asked to

        finals in an event that co-incided with the                                                                             copies of their negative COVID-19 test.  government requires you to complete   declare that you do not have corona

                                                                                                                                                                      a health declaration form with your
        Africa Winners Day.                                                                                                       Travellers will need to provide proof of ac-  details on arrival, including your address   virus symptoms. Some accommodation

         Kenya emerged top for its tantalising                                                                                  commodation upon arrival in the case of the   and contact information.    providers will request your travel history.

        cocktail of epic savannah landscapes,                                                                                   need to self-isolate. Business travellers pro-  •  Testing on departure: Screening   You should contact your accommodation

        immense herds of wildlife and palm-fringed                                                                              viding services across the borders between   processes have been introduced at all   provider for more information.

        beaches. Maasai Mara game reserve, Sam-                                                                                 South Africa and the Southern African De-  major ports of entry, including airports,   •  Public spaces and services: The South

        buru national reserve, Shimba Hills national                                                                            velopment Community are allowed multiple                                  African authorities have published

        reserve, Sweet Waters game reserve and                                                                                  entry subject to producing a certificate of   for arrivals, departures and transit   COVID-19 guidelines and advice and have
                                                                                                                                                                      passengers. You should comply with any

        Tsavo national park were named among the                                                                                negative COVID-19 test result not older than   additional screening measures put in   introduced a number of measures to limit

        country's top safari destinations.                                                                                      72 hours from the time of departure. This   place by the authorities. Screening may   the spread of the virus. Failure to comply

         This comes at a time when the sector is                                                                                certificate is valid for 14 days.     include temperature measurements and   could result in a fine or arrest. South Afri-

        experiencing challenges occasioned by the                                                                               •  Transiting South Africa: It is possible to   check on recent travel to affected areas.   ca has introduced a risk-based, five-level

        Covid-19 pandemic.                                                                                                         transit South Africa and travel to a third   If you feel unwell, you should not   approach to lockdown restrictions.

         Nairobi was named Africa's leading business                                                                               country. Travellers must bring a paper copy   attempt to travel. Presenting at the   The whole of South Africa is currently

        travel destination while Kenyatta interna-  Kenya safari club's unique comforts in the   across all sectors of the tourism industry.  of a negative COVID-19 test result. The test   airport with symptoms may result in   under level one restrictions, which are the

                                                                                                                                   should have been taken within 72 hours

        tional convention centre won Africa's leading   shadow of Mt Kenya helped it to clinch the   Kenya's Twiga Tours scooped three   of your departure. If you cannot produce   you being sent to a government health   lowest tier. The government reserves the

        meetings and conference centre award.  Africa's leading hotel title, while Saxon Ho-  awards, including the coveted world re-  a negative COVID-19 test you may be   facility for quarantine and further   right to introduce different restrictions in

         Nairobi beat its closest competitor  - Cape   tel, Villas & Spa in South Africa was named   sponsible tourism award Africa's.  quarantined for 10 days in government-ap-  testing. You should make sure that your   provinces and districts affected by corona-

        Town in South Africa - which was named   Africa's leading boutique hotel .  The safari company was also the best           pointed facilities at your own cost.  insurance will cover unplanned travel   virus. You may wish to check with the local

        Africa's leading festival and event destina-  Kenya's Aberdare country club was voted   in its category as Kenya's leading inbound                            disruption due to corona virus.  authorities before you travel.

        tion. Its majestic Table Mountain was named   Africa's leading green hotel. Other winners in-  tour operator and Kenya's leading safari   •  Screening on arrival: Screening process-  •  Internal Restrictions: Some internal   There is a countrywide curfew between

                                                                                                                                   es have been introduced at all major

        Africa's leading tourist attraction.  clude Serengeti National Park (Africa's leading   company 2020.                      ports of entry, including airports, for ar-  flights are operating. You will need to fill in   midnight and 4am. Beaches and public parks

         The results follow a year-long search for   national park), Thanda Island, Tanzania (Afri-  In the aviation sector, Ethiopian Airlines   rivals, departures and transit passengers.   a health declaration form which must be   are now open, but are subject to strict health

        the world's top travel, tourism and hos-  ca's leading luxury island), Shambala private   lifted the Africa's leading airline award,   You should comply with any additional   handed in at the airport. You must wear a   protocols. There are strict rules regarding

        pitality brands. Votes were cast by travel   game reserve, South Africa (Africa's leading   while Africa's leading airport award went to   screening measures put in place by the   mask if using public transport, which is op-  gatherings of people. You should comply with

        industry professionals and the public.  private game reserve) and The Oberoi, Mar-  Cape Town international airport.       authorities. Additional screening may   erating with strict hygiene requirements   any regulations set out by the South African

         South African city of Durban was voted   rakech (Morocco's leading hotel suite).  Kenya Airways won both Africa's leading   include temperature measurements and   and reduced passenger numbers.  government during the lockdown. Q

        Africa's leading city destination.   WTA was established in 1993 to acknowl-  airline-business class and Africa's leading
         In the hospitality sector, Fairmont Mount   edge, reward and celebrate excellence   airline-economy class awards. Q
                                            UAE and Israel after the two countries   said it would begin offering direct

                                            agreed to normalise relations. Direct   flights between Dubai and Tel Aviv later

                tihad Airways, the national air-  flights on Etihad between the emirates’   this month.

          Eline of the United Arab Emirates,   capital of Abu Dhabi and Tel Aviv will   Normalisation reflects a changing
                                            begin on March 28.
           says it will start operating daily nonstop                        Middle East, in which shared enmity

                                              Tickets are already available on Eti-

           flights to Tel Aviv next spring.  had’s website. Its announcement comes   of Iran has largely overtaken tradi-
                                                                             tional Arab support for the Palestin-
             The move deepens ties between the   after Dubai’s budget carrier flydubai   ians. Q

                                                 World Airnews | December 2020                                                                                            World Airnews | December 2020
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