Page 25 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 25




               his follows a decision by the Kenya
 GH¢800 and GHC 900.  serve the growing domestic and regional   TCivil Aviati on Authority (KCAA) to

 PassionAir and AWA, for instance, oper-  aviation market.  grant Fly 540’s application to expand its air

 he increasing demand for   ate 20 flights per day between Accra and   The airports operator, Ghana Airports   services to other African countries and the

 Tdomestic air travel, brought on by   Kumasi - the busiest domestic route.  Company Limited (GACL), has invested   United Arab Emirates for the next three years.

 the need for safe, less crowded, efficient   However, some travellers said they were   about (US) $400 million in constructing a   “Notice is given that the Kenya Civil

 means of transport and increased   unable to secure seats to Kumasi and Tama-  new airport at Ho, rehabilitating the Wa   Aviation Authority has made decisions on

 political activity, has led to calls for more   le respectively on either airline last Friday   aerodrome, and the construction of a new   applications for air service licences whose

 domestic airlines.  and Tuesday respectively.  Terminal, Terminal 3, at the Kotoka Interna-  particulars were previously published in the

 tional Airport (KIA).

         Kenya Gazette,” said the regulator in a notice.
 The inactivity of Unity Air since the   Industry data show that in 2019, a

           Fly540 will now operate international
 The regulator has also spent significant

 resumption of domestic flight operations   total of 16,499 people travelled by air   sums in the acquisition of navigational   scheduled air services for passengers,


 post-COVID-19 lockdown on May 1, 2020,   equipment for the Ho, Wa, Tamale and
 has also meant limited available seats for   ATTEMPTS AT REVIVING DEFUNCT   cargo and mail to and from South Africa,   Nigeria-based cargo airline Allied Air   of flight bookings.

 the domestic market.  DOMESTIC AIRLINES  Kumasi airports in recent times.  Zimbabwe, Malawi, Zambia and the   has also been granted a licence to operate   The airline postponed the move to

         Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) from

 The indigenous airline became the first   The aviation industry regulator, Ghana   THE DEMISE OF LOCAL AIRLINES  Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA)   flights between Lagos and Nairobi, with   November 29 but with rising cases of

 casualty of the COVID-19pandemic. It has   Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA), has   Antrak Air and City Link led the growth of   and Wilson Airport.   routing flights to JKIA from Cairo, Douala,   Covid-19 across the world, analysts remain

 been inactive since the resumption of do-  held meetings with management of   domestic air travel in the country more   The airline will also fly to Somalia, Sudan,   Luanda, Johannesburg, Bangui, Windhoek   scepti cal.

 mestic flight operations and doesn’t seem   dormant airlines to ascertain the   than a decade ago. They were later joined   Ethiopia and Dubai as well as return to   and Abidjan among others.   Low-cost carrier Jambojet recently

 ready to restart operations.  challenges and support they require   by Fly 540, Starbow and Africa World   regional routes including Zanzibar and   The aviation sector has been among   resumed operations to its domestic

 The procurement process for the acquisi-  to restart operations.  Airlines (AWA).  Dar-es-Salam.  the hardest hit as countries across the   destinations, including Mombasa, Eldoret,

 tion of two Embraer 145’s for the airline to   Though there are 13 Ghanaian valid   A combination of managerial fragilities,   KCAA further granted new licences and   world closed their borders and blocked   Kisumu and Malindi from Nairobi.

 augment its single aircraft was also aborted   Air Operators Certificate (AOC) holders -    difficult operating environment, lack   international travel.   Although bookings are yet to hit the levels

 after the current pandemic derailed its   which allows them to operate domestic   of financial muscle in a cash-intensive   renewed existing ones for 28 local and   Last month, national carrier Kenya   before the pandemic, the airline is banking
 projections.  and regional passenger and cargo   industry, and poor equipment choice are   regional airlines, in a year most carriers   Airways was forced to backtrack on a plan   on increased traffic from domestic tourists

         are suffering the brunt of the Covid-19

 “We were in the process of acquir-  flights - as at March 2018, only seven   but a few of the challenges that brought   pandemic.  to resume direct flights to JFK Airport in   during next month’s festive season. Q

 ing two Embraer 145’s, but due to the   are active.  most of the domestic operators to   New York following increased cancellation
 COVID-19, everything has been put on   A further eight airlines which hold valid   their knees.
 hold for now,” a source close to the abort-  Air Carrier Licences (ACL) are working with   City Link suspended operations five

 ed deal said.  the regulator toward attaining an AOC   years ago due to various reasons. Fly 540

 Though PassionAir and Africa World   to enable them start their operations.   - a part of African Airline Group, FASTJET   Expect more.

 Airlines (AWA) have increased frequency   However, some have stalled the process by   - also in May 2014 suspended all opera-
 in response to demand, the lack of more   their inability to meet stringent regulatory   tions and said, “The company intends to

 travelling options by air in-country has led   requirements.  fully focus on the considerable potential

 to a significant increase in airfares.  The need for such a meeting became   of opportunities in East and Southern

 An Accra-Tamale return flight now costs   imperative given the growing investment   Africa, and this legacy 540 operation is

 about GH¢950; Accra-Kumasi and Accra-Ta-  in on ground airport infrastructure, but   not, therefore, part of the core low-cost

 koradi return flights now cost between   there are not enough active airlines to   FASTJET model”. Q

 A statement by Air Zimbabwe said   travel and tourism industry who include

 Matilda had traversed the length and   regulatory authorities, travel agents,   More information from your aircraft, better insights,

 atilda Simboti has been   breadth of Airline marketing and ground   tour operators and other industry

 Mappointed Air Zimbabwe   operations.  associates.  enabling well-informed decisions - Spider X delivers.

 acting sales and marketing manager.  She also briefly served in Lubumbashi,   In 2015 she was awarded the Traverze

 In a statement, the national carrier   DRC before being transferred to head the   Award for the Most Supportive Airline   Join the revolution today:

 said Simboti has a vast wealth of expe-  commercial business and ground opera-  Staff in Zimbabwe and in 2018 she

 rience having worked in the industry   tions in the tourist hub in Victoria Falls.  scooped the Association of Zimbabwe

 for over 30 years. She has a few several   Matilda has built very strong relations   Travel Agents (AZTA) Award for her Out-
 major awards along the way.  with key stakeholders in the Airline,   standing Service to the Industry. Q
 World Airnews | December 2020                     World Airnews | December 2020
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