Page 21 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 21


                                   ELITE JET

                                                park and some locals are now flying – still to
                                                Cape Town the busiest for us,” he said.
              lite Jet, a provider of executive and   Business trips to Botswana, Zimbabwe, Cape

        Eprivate jet charters in South Africa, has   Town and KZN have also been taking place

         heads of state, government delegations, celeb-  Elite Jet is built on the combined knowledge and
         rities, sports teams and families as their clients.  experience of the directors and operates under

          They are one of the few charter businesses   the SACAA Part 135 Licence. The company has

         that continued to operate during the Covid-19   gone from strength-to-strength over the last five

         lockdown negotiating and navigating their way   years and yes, the pandemic has slowed things

         through a maze of administrative requirements.  down but they are still bullish about the future.
          “It was hard work , full of red tape and regula-  Elite Jet has a high standard approach to
         tions,” said CEO Greg Ermes            safety with a culture of no compromise. Elite

          Based at Lanseria international airport, west   Jet complies with ICAO requirements as well as

         of Johannesburg, he said the company had   South African Civil Aviation regulations.

         flights to the UK, Europe and parts of Africa.  Originally established in 2005, in late 2014, a

          At present Elite Jet is continuing to operate   new company was formed solely to look after
         in West Africa, East Africa and neighbouring   the charter side of the business. This company
         southern African countries as well as some of   is called Elite Jets Charters (Pty) Ltd t/a Elite

         the Indian ocean islands.              Jet. For more information go to https://elitejet.

          “We are also going to the Kruger national Q
                        OPENS BORDERS
                                                air travel, which will include protocols for

                   uthorities in Botswana have   With international tourists expected to

           Aannounced that the country is       start coming into the country, the ailing
            ready to receive private charter flights   tourism industry is expected to revive its

                                                plunging operations.

            into the country’s resort towns starting
                                                 Uncertainties still haunts the tourism

            next month amid the ongoing COVID-19   industry and threatens to plunge the
            pandemic.                           sector into an abyss. Statistics paint a

             The private charter flights will be   gloomy picture of the tourism industry with
            allowed at two ports of entry namely,   Germany recently donated 4.8 million Euros

            Maun and Kasane International Airports,   to support the local tourism sector which
            said a communique from the ministry   has been adversely affected by COVID-19.

            of environment, natural resources    In addition, the tourism industry is

            conservation and tourism issued recently.  also part of the government’s economic

             The announcement further said the   recovery and transformation plan (ERTP)

            government is finalising the required   expected to ignite several sectors from the

            legislative framework to facilitate such   COVID-19 impacts. Q
                                                  World Airnews | December 2020
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