Page 18 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 18


                                  WELLNESS APP MAKES

                                  DEBUT AT ALBANY

                                  INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT

               lbany International Airport in the

       AUnited States has become the fi rst
        to start using a new blockchain-powered
        smartphone application that uses QR codes

        to show passengers real-time tracking of
        cleaning of touchpoints and surfaces through-
        out terminals, restaurants and other areas.
         Wellness Trace is GE's new application that

        the company envisions establishing a com-
        munity among airline travellers similar to
        Waze where they can check the app to get a
        sense of the cleanest areas of the airport.
         In the coming weeks, the airport and
        GE are expected to unveil other advanced

        artificial intelligence, machine learning and

        other digital technologies being deployed
        as part of this burgeoning Digital Incubator.
         Albany started using the app after a

        three-month trial and has now put into
        operation with more than 45 QR barcodes

        located throughout the airport.
         “We believe the digital vision Albany
        International Airport is advancing is exactly

        the kind of template airports and airlines
        will need to ensure safe, healthy travel
        through the COVID-19 pandemic and
        beyond,” said Andrew Coleman, general

        manager of GE Aviation’s Digital Group

         Coleman said that Albany's close proxim-  "The use of GE’s cutting-edge Wellness   a rest stop on their way to the airport, they

        ity to their digital research lab located in   Trace App is a major first step in our joint   can check Wellness Trace to find a clean

                                           efforts to integrate new digital solutions
        Niskayuna, New York made it the perfect   to create safer travel in a post-pandemic   one. If travellers need to grab a bite to eat
                                                                               near the airport, they can check Wellness
        location to launch Wellness Trace and   world,” Philip Calderone, CEO of the Albany   Trace for the cleanest restaurants nearby.

        evaluate its ability to reinforce passenger   County Airport Authority said.
        confidence in the cleanliness of the airport.                          While in the airport, travellers can walk

                                                                               with confidence knowing the environment

         Passengers will be able to simply scan the   Passengers traveling to Albany will also   around them is now transparent and they

        QR barcode stickers with their mobile device   be able to use the app to check the cleanli-  can access cleaning information with just a

                                           ness of restaurants near the airport as well.
        and receive an instant status update for when                          quick scan from their mobile phone camera.

        a given object or area was last cleaned.  “It’s exciting that Albany International   The most exciting part is that travellers get a

         GE developed Wellness Trace using   Airport is partnering with GE on cutting   voice and can become part of a community
        Microsoft Azure's blockchain service and   edge technology that may help travellers   where their voice will be heard, and the

                                           feel safer since COVID-19 has changed
        is bringing it to Albany after first launching                         experience is free for the public.

        the technology in partnership with farm-  our world,” said Albany County Executive   Passengers will be able to simply scan the
                                           Daniel P. McCoy.
        to-table food traceability solution provider                           QR barcode stickers with their mobile device

        TE Food and Luxembourg-based lab testing   “Being able to scan a QR code and know   and receive an instant status update for when

        service supplier Eurofins.         the last time that surface at the airport was   a given object or area was last cleaned.

         Coleman believes the application could   cleaned may alleviate some of the stress   After a three-month trial, GE Aviation

        also be used by airlines in a similar way to   and uncertainty people are feeling as they     and Albany Airport officials will review the

                                           venture out and bring back a sense of confi-
        demonstrate cleanliness in the cabin.  dence. Any reassurance we can give people   experience to discuss any updates or im-
         "It could be integrated into every   as they travel that they are doing so safely   provements that could be made to App.
        seatback screen, the QR codes could also   is important.”               Wellness Trace is part of GE’s blockchain
        be scanned as passengers are boarding.                                 solutions portfolio that is expanding its

        Lavatories and other high-traffic areas in   WHAT DOES THE APP DO?     definition of safety in the future by offering

        the cabin, are other options to consider as   The app will offer the unique ability for the   food traceability solutions, fuel assurance

        well," Coleman said.               public to provide real time feedback into   solutions and maintenance solutions. For

         Airport officials are also considering ex-  the cleanliness of their travel experience.    more information check out

        panding its use for health screenings.  For example, if a traveller needs to stop at Q

                                                 World Airnews | December 2020
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