Page 15 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 15


                                             INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT  - WHEN
                                                                                THE FUTURE COULD THIS COME TO

           We see an acceleration of interest in
                                             DID SITA DO THIS? AND HOW LONG
          deploying our existing Smart Path solution,

                                             DID IT TAKE TO GET ALL OF THE

 FOR AIRPORTS  given the more significant need for a touch-  DIFFERENT PARTIES TALKING TO   JB: SITA’s Smart Path solution is highly
                                                                                adaptable to the requirements of any major
          less airport experience. Reducing waiting

                                             EACH OTHER AND THE PROJECT

                                                                                airport. And the solution can be used in
          times and congestion, in particular, are

          more critical than ever before since these   ROLLED OUT?              conjunction with existing technologies and

 transport industry, working with almost every   are not merely a matter of passenger com-  JB: We delivered SITA Smart Path at Beijing   infrastructure at the airport.
                                             Capital International Airport (BCIA) in

 airline and airport in the world, we develop   fort but also a safety issue as we endeavour   SITA Smart Path technology aims to

 ihad Boueri, SITA vice president, airports   solutions informed by and support this com-  to help promote best safety practices like   December 2019. It included the implemen-  streamline passenger processing, thereby

 Jand airlines sector spoke to World   munity’s needs.  We launched the SITA Smart   social distancing and decrease the spread   tation of over 600 biometric checkpoints   creating a more efficient airport, and is
 Airnews about the role of the SITA Smart Path   Path solution - our company’s common-use,   of COVID-19. Biometric checkpoints,   through the airport, including 250 lanes of   suitable and recommended for any busy

 technology can play in boosting recovery.  mobile, and biometrics enabled self-service   self-service kiosks, and self-bag drop   automatic gates, 80 kiosks, and 30 self-bag   airport. The top three busiest airports in

 solution for passenger processing - around   stations are likely to see an increase in   drop stations to process passengers from   Africa are O. R. Tambo International Airport

 WAN: CAN YOU BRIEFLY TELL US   two years ago. There were several drivers/  adoption even after COVID-19.  international flights.   in South Africa, Cairo International Airport

 A BIT ABOUT YOURSELF (YOUR   considerations in developing the solution   For instance, Qatar’s Hamad International   This deployment of the SITA Smart Path   in Egypt and Bole International Airport in

 BACKGROUND) AND THE CURRENT   pre-COVID-19, including:  Airport recently introduced SITA’s mo-  solution at BCIA is the largest rollout of   Ethiopia. Combined, they processed nearly

 POSITION YOU OCCUPY IN YOUR   •  Significant increases in passenger num-  bile-enabled kiosks to deliver a completely   its kind. The automation of the entire   50m passengers in 2019. These passenger

 COMPANY? AND HOW LONG YOU   bers over the years and were predict-  contactless way for passengers to check-in   passenger journey using SITA technology   numbers more than qualify these airports
 HAVE BEEN IN THIS POSITION?  ed to rise in the coming years.  for their flight. The mobile application pro-  has been achieved at the airport - from   for this solution, and the technology to

 JB: I am based in Beirut, Lebanon. In my cur-  •  Limitations in airport capacity; the   vides a cost-effective solution as it lever-  check-in and bag drop to immigration, se-  facilitate this is available in these regions.

 rent role, I am responsible for managing SITA’s   ability for many airports to expand their   ages existing common-use kiosks and does   curity, and finally boarding. Passengers only   We continue to work with our customers

 airport and airline portfolio across the Middle   physical footprint has led to a rise in   not require modification to airlines’ existing   need to enrol once during check-in, then   in Africa to support them to deliver a safe

 East, India, and Africa (MEIA), which includes   smarter technology to enable airports   IATA CUSS standard check-in applications.  experience a seamless journey through the   and seamless passenger journey, wherever

 solution design, pricing, bid management,   to cope with passenger numbers which   SITA has also developed some new appli-  airport enabled by facial recognition. Im-  biometrics can help.

 and delivery. I have extensive experience   integrates with existing, often com-  cations to support the industry’s COVID-19   proved processing efficiency means shorter   WAN: WHAT CHALLENGES DOES

 in solution architecture, master systems   mon-use, infrastructure to reduce the   recovery and the new safety measures.   queuing time and more social distancing for   PUT SUCH A SYSTEM/TECHNOLOGY

 integration, and project management.   need to invest in new infrastructure.  Some of these solutions integrate facial   all passengers. An added benefit during the   INTO AN AIRPORT FACE AND WHAT
 Since joining SITA in 1986, I have worked   •  Optimising security processes to im-  biometrics with other technologies like   COVID-19 era is that it removes the need to   RESOURCES NEED TO BE AVAILABLE

 closely with nearly all airlines and airports   prove border management.  mobile self-service to deliver a safe and   touch any airport equipment, reducing the   IN ORDER FOR IT TO WORK

 operating in MEIA, developing a strong un-  •  Passenger satisfaction is higher with   seamless journey before travellers reach   infection risk.  PROPERLY AND SMOOTHLY?

 derstanding of their operating environment   more self-service and automation, so   senger safety, convenience, and confidence.  the airport, through the airport, and on   The rollout of this solution was made

 and the wider air transport industry.    enhancing the airport experience and   WAN: HOW HAS THE PANDEMIC   arrival and beyond. For example, our new   possible in a relatively short amount of   JB: Most airports have their infrastructure in

 I hold a master’s degree in Telecommuni-  enabling a seamless passenger jour-  IMPACTED ON THIS TECHNOLOGY   Health ETA application, part of SITA’s Travel   time. Much of the project’s success can be   place. The challenge comes in integrating new

 cation Engineering from St. Joseph Univer-  ney were other crucial outcomes of   AND YOUR PROJECT?  Authorization solution, uses biometrically   attributed to:  processes and technology into an existing
 sity in Beirut and an MBA from Strathclyde   automating passenger processing and   enabled, secure mobile technology for   •  our experts, on the ground, that were   environment. But, because SITA Smart Path

 Graduate Business School in Scotland. I also   biometric identity management.  JB: We continue to work with the industry   governments to verify digital health decla-  able to accelerate the deployment.  is based around industry standards and

 have an ACI-ICAO AMPAP Associate Diplo-  While the COVID-19 pandemic has result-  to identify ways of maintaining the accuracy   rations via advance passenger information   •  the longstanding relationship between   designed to integrate with existing airport

 ma and ACI Airport Operations Diploma.   and speed of facial recognition technology,   (APP) before travel. It paves the way for a   SITA and BCIA, which goes back   common-use infrastructure and airline

 ed in a significant decrease in passenger   with masks now being mandatory in public   seamless and touchless contactless arrival   20+ years.  In that time, SITA has   systems, it is straightforward for us to deploy.

 WAN: WHAT WAS THE THINKING   volumes, the need for a more secure, less   spaces in most parts of the world.   process through immigration and customs.  provided numerous technological   Stakeholder coordination, including

 THAT INFORMED SITA’S SMART   congested, contactless, and seamless   The pandemic has increased the drive for   We anticipate that more airports worldwide   solutions to help BCIA handle large   airports, airlines, governments, is critical

 PATH TECHNOLOGY? HOW LONG   passenger journey has become even more   greater operational and cost efficiencies and   will accelerate their digitalization and biomet-  passenger volumes.   to ensure that the technology meets

 HAS THIS BEEN IN THE MAKING   important to mitigate the new health risks.    a focus on sustainability and health. There   ric technology adoption strategies in response   fundamental business needs and that op-

 AS SURELY YOU AND YOUR TEAM   As the world emerges from the COVID-19   is a lot of industry innovation occurring,   to passengers changing requirements in the   WAN: CAN YOU SEE THIS BEING PUT   erationally it functions and is coordinated.

 (DEPARTMENT) HAVE BEEN   pandemic, a growing number of passengers   using facial biometrics, in response to the   recovery and the post-COVID world.  INTO ANY AIRPORT IN AFRICA? IF SO   Data sharing protocols among stakehold-
 WORKING ON THIS LONG BEFORE   will be returning to the skies. To sustain the   pandemic and designed to build confidence   WHICH ONE? HAVE YOU HAD ANY   ers also need to be fully worked through

 COVID-19?  industry’s recovery, airlines, airports, ground   among travellers and governments, support   WAN: I SEE FROM THE ID4AFRICA   INTEREST OR DEALINGS WITH ANY   and, of course, be compliant with relevant

 JB: As a company wholly owned by the air   handlers, and many others must prioritize pas-  a safe and low touch airport experience, and   INTERVIEW THAT THIS IS   AFRICAN AIRPORT AND PERHAPS   legislation. Q

                  An interesting arrival of
                    the Tunisian Air Force
                      C-130J, delivered in
                   January 2013. It is has
                   both military markings
                      as well as a civilian
                 registration TS-MTK. The

                   aircraft is seen landing

                     on runway 31 at the
                   Malta airport (LMML).
                 Photo by Mario Caruana
 World Airnews | December 2020                    World Airnews | December 2020
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