Page 20 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 20

TRAVEL                                                                                                                  CHARTER

         •  Ticket flexibility: Zimbabwean based regional low-cost airline   undergo a mandatory Covid-19 testing upon arrival in Ghana.

            Fast jet moved to offer rebooking assistance via email.  Tanzania                                                                             ELITE JET

            They have also stressed that unlimited changes are permitted   •  No quarantine is mandated in Tanzania.

            in this regard.                                   •  All arriving passengers are required to present a negative cer-

            No change fee or fare difference will be applied with the ex-  tificate from a certified laboratory of a PCR Covid-19 test taken

            ception of flights for travel between 15 December 2020 and 10   within 72hours before departure.

            January 2021 (inclusive)
            Kenya airways press release on the impact of new lockdown   Uganda

            measures in England and France.                   •  A certificate of a negative COVID-19 PCR test performed with-

             “We continue to allow you to book for your flights with con-  in 72 hours before departure time is required for all arriving

            fidence, with the assurance that any changes to your travel   passengers.

            plans will be accommodated at no extra cost”      •  All departing passengers must present a negative certificate
        HEALTH PROTOCOLS FOR TRAVEL TO KEY                       of a Covid-19 PCR test taken within 120 hours of departure
                                                                 ti me.
        DESTINATIONS IN AFRICA                               Zimbabwe
        Kenya                                                 •  Arriving passengers must present a certificate of a negative

         •  A certificate of negative Covid-19 PCR test taken within 96   Covid-19 PCR test issued within 48 hours before departure time.

            hours before departure time is required.             Upon arrival, they will proceed to self-quarantine at home for 14

         •  Passengers should not have a persistent cough, difficulty in   days.

            breathing, body temperature above 37.5°C (99.5°F) or other   •  Arriving passengers who do not have a negative certificate of

            flu-like symptoms. Those presenting these symptoms will be   a Covid-19 PCR test issued within 48 hours before departure

            quarantined.                                         time will be detained at a holding facility until they can be

        Rwanda                                                   tested for COVID-19. If the results are negative, they will be

         •  A certificate of a negative COVID-19 test is required for all   allowed to self-quarantine at home for 14 days.                                            park and some locals are now flying – still to
                                                                                                                                                                       Cape Town the busiest for us,” he said.

            travellers arriving, transiting or departing from Rwanda. The   •  A certificate of a negative Covid-19 PCR test issued within 72   lite Jet, a provider of executive and

            only accepted test is a SARS-CoV 2 Real Time Polymerase   hours of departure time is mandatory for passengers depart-  Eprivate jet charters in South Africa, has   Business trips to Botswana, Zimbabwe, Cape

            Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) performed within 120 hours of   ing from Zimbabwe.                                          heads of state, government delegations, celeb-  Town and KZN have also been taking place

            departure time. Other tests, such as Rapid Diagnostics Test   GREATER CO-OPERATION FOR RE-START                                                             Elite Jet is built on the combined knowledge and

            (RDTs), are not accepted.                                                                                           rities, sports teams and families as their clients.  experience of the directors and operates under

        Nigeria                                              Post COVID-19 outlook suggests that co-operation will be key to a   They are one of the few charter businesses   the SACAA Part 135 Licence. The company has

         •  A negative certificate of Covid-19 PCR test from a certified labo-  faster recovery. Airlines need to work together to restore confidence   that continued to operate during the Covid-19   gone from strength-to-strength over the last five

                                                                                                                                                                       years and yes, the pandemic has slowed things

                                                                                                                                lockdown negotiating and navigating their way

            ratory performed within 120hrs of departure time & preferably   in travel and to save the millions of jobs that are at risk. In truth,   through a maze of administrative requirements.  down but they are still bullish about the future.

                                                             African airlines have always found it hard to work together and
            within 72hrs pre-boarding.

                                                                                                                                                                        Elite Jet has a high standard approach to
                                                                                                                                 “It was hard work , full of red tape and regula-

         •  Departing and arriving passengers are required to register   often look to foreign carriers for synergies. Intra African connectivity   tions,” said CEO Greg Ermes  safety with a culture of no compromise. Elite

                                                             continues to struggle as a result.

            via a Nigerian International Travel Portal online https://nitp.  •  Interline agreements: In the past month Airlink has signed two                         Jet complies with ICAO requirements as well as

   and fill the online Health                                                           Based at Lanseria international airport, west   South African Civil Aviation regulations.

            Declaration form.                                    interline agreements with gulf carriers, one with Emirates and   of Johannesburg, he said the company had

                                                                                                                                                                        Originally established in 2005, in late 2014, a
         •  Passengers are required to upload their Covid-19 PCR results   the other with Qatar further spreading the wings of the gulf   flights to the UK, Europe and parts of Africa.  new company was formed solely to look after

                                                                                        carriers across Southern Africa.

            on the national pay-                                                        SA low cost airline Flysafair            At present Elite Jet is continuing to operate   the charter side of the business. This company
            ment portal and bring                                                       subsequently moved to sign              in West Africa, East Africa and neighbouring   is called Elite Jets Charters (Pty) Ltd t/a Elite
            along an electronic or                                                      its own interline agreement             southern African countries as well as some of   Jet. For more information go to https://elitejet.

            hard copy.                                                                  with Emirates further boosting          the Indian ocean islands.     Q

        Ghana                                                                           travel options in the region.            “We are also going to the Kruger national

         •  A negative certificate of                                                   •  Industry response: The

            a Covid-19 PCR test from                                                    pandemic has further highlight-                               BOTSWANA
            an accredited laboratory                                                    ed the need for a liberalised
            in the country of origin                                                    air transport regime on the
            taken not more than 72                                                      continent. (Read more about

            hours before departure                                                      this on pages 26-29)                                   OPENS BORDERS
            ti me.                                                                      Meanwhile the International

         •  Arriving passengers will                                                    Air Transport Association                                                      air travel, which will include protocols for

            be subjected to a man-                                                      (IATA) and African Airlines

            datory COVID-19 test                                                        Association (AFRAA) have                          uthorities in Botswana have   With international tourists expected to

            at the airport at a cost                                                    joined forces with the African             Aannounced that the country is      start coming into the country, the ailing
            of (US) $150. Payment                                                       Civil Aviation Commission                  ready to receive private charter flights   tourism industry is expected to revive its

            must be made online                                                         (AFCAC) on a three-year safe-              into the country’s resort towns starting   plunging operations.

            at https://myfrontier-                                                      ty project.                                next month amid the ongoing COVID-19   Uncertainties still haunts the tourism

                                                          •  Check out the article on                pandemic.                           industry and threatens to plunge the

            Ghana and a proof of                                                        our website: https://www.                   The private charter flights will be   sector into an abyss. Statistics paint a

            payment (receipt) shown                                                                                              gloomy picture of the tourism industry with

            to the airline before                                                       ation-safety-across-africa/                allowed at two ports of entry namely,   Germany recently donated 4.8 million Euros

                                                                                                                                   Maun and Kasane International Airports,

            boarding.                                                                   •  This move will be expected              said a communique from the ministry   to support the local tourism sector which

         •  Passengers who depart                                                       to further accelerate Africa’s             of environment, natural resources   has been adversely affected by COVID-19.

            Ghana and return within                                                     progress towards open skies.               conservation and tourism issued recently.  In addition, the tourism industry is

            one week will not be                                                        •  To-date, 34 countries have               The announcement further said the   also part of the government’s economic

            required to present                                                         signed up to SAATM though                  government is finalising the required   recovery and transformation plan (ERTP)

            Covid-19 results from                                                       full operationalisation remains            legislative framework to facilitate such   expected to ignite several sectors from the

            the country of depar-                                                       a distant reality. Q                                                           COVID-19 impacts. Q
            ture. They will, however,
                                                 World Airnews | December 2020                                                                                           World Airnews | December 2020
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