Page 22 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 22


                                  WESTAIR TRANSPORTS

                                  UNWTO IN NAMIBIA

                                                                           Windhoek based aviation solutions company,

                                                                   AWestair aviati on helped to provide the air
                                                                   transport needed to facilitate the first visit by secretary-

                                                                   general of the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) to

                                                                   an African member state since the start of the COVID-19

                                                                    The three-day official visit to Namibia reaffirmed UNW-

                                                                   TO’s commitment to the continent and featured a series of
                                                                   high-level talks aimed at strengthening existing partner-

                                                                   ships and looking to a sustainable, resilient future.
                                                                    As the United Nations specialized agency for tourism, UN-

                                                                   WTO has guided the sector’s recovery and restart from this
                                                                   unprecedented crisis.  It has worked directly with its African
                                                                   member states, including Namibia, to adapt the 2030 Agen-
                                                                   da for Africa: Tourism for Inclusive Growth, a roadmap for

                                                                   the responsible growth of tourism across the continent.

                                                                    The visit was the first chance to follow up on virtual meet-

                                                                   ings and advance the preparations for the restart of a sector
                                                                   upon which millions of African livelihoods depend.

                                                                    Westair Aviation flew secretary-general Zurab Polo-

                                                                   likashvili (UNWTO) from Windhoek to Sossusvlei for one

                                                                   night. Thereafter they flew to Swakopmund for a second
                                                                   night and returned the next morning back to Windhoek.
                                                                    “Between Sossusvlei and Swakopmund we did a beau-

                                                                   tiful scenic flight above the Namib Desert, along the Skel-
                                                                   eton Coast past 100 year old diamond camps, a German
                                                                   Shipwreck from 1907, an UK shipwreck from 1976, seal

                                                                   colonies with a collection of more than 200 000 seals,” said
                                                                   a spokesperson from the company.
                                                                    Pololikashvili met with the president Hage G. Geingob
                                                                   to talk about realising the potential of tourism to drive

                                                                   sustainable development, including youth, women and
                                                                   rural communities.

                                                                    He commended the head of state for his leadership,

                                                                   particularly with regards to the international tourism

                                                                   revival initiative which includes the key health and safety

                                                                   protocols drawn up by UNWTO. Q
                       WESTAIR WEATHERS COVID

                                            an experienced and highly qualified   co-ordinator.

                                            workforce of aircraft engineers and   “When the tourism and airline sectors
                 reative thinking from employees   pilots keep the doors open.  fell away we gained business in other

          Cinto areas not explored, assisted   Westair Aviation operates in Mali,   sectors like repatriation flights, oil and

           Namibia based Westair Aviation to   Ethiopia, Angola, Senegal, Guinee,   gas mining and film crew“ he said.

           weather the Covid-19 pandemic.   South Africa and Mozambique and the   Westair provides a range of services

            Based at Eros Airport, Windhoek   company specialises in turn-key aviation   including aircraft asset and operational

           - Westair Aviation opened its doors   services that comply with standards   management, leasing, offshore

           in 1967 as an aircraft maintenance   required by the mining and oil and gas   operations: fixed wing and rotary wing,

           organisation and has grown over the   sectors.                    maritime patrol and oil spillage, ACMI

           past 50 years to become the most   “Business dropped a lot unfortunately   contract operations (BARS & IOGP),

           experienced private aviation company in   but it also created new opportunities   VIP charters, cargo flights, scheduled

           Namibia.                         with repatriation flights and other   passenger and freight operations,

            Operating a fleet of more than 44   international flights between southern   charters and fly-in-safaris, geophysical

           aircraft, the company is able to provide   and western Africa and also Europe.   survey flying, emergency medical

           a solution for almost any mission.   We are happy to say that tourism is   evacuation flights / air ambulance

           More than 100 employees, including   picking up again and we’re positive for   services flight training and aircraft
                                            the future,” said Marco Theron, charter   maintenance and refurbishment. Q
                                                 World Airnews | December 2020
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