Page 38 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 38



                                                                                                                           PATRICK:  +27 (0)82 565 8864                  1971 Beechcraft Baron E55
                                  SUSTAINABLE AVIATION FUEL                                                                BRENDAN:  +27 (0)72 244 4958                Stripping for Spares
                                                                                                                                                                     Call for Parts Price and Availability
                                                                                                                           PHIL:  +27 (0)83 284 3898
                                         Tom Parsons, Air bp’s commercial development manager,
                                       low carbon, gives the low down on sustainable aviation fuel

        RISE, BUT WHAT IS IT EXACTLY?                                                                                               2011 Quest Kodiak 100               * 2005 Mooney Ovation 2 GX                  1961 Aerospatiale

         SAF stands for sustainable aviation                                                                                       2300 Hours TT Airframe and Engine.    600 Hours Since New.Air Conditioning,         Alouette 2
        fuel. It’s produced from sustainable                                                                                    PT-6A-34, 750SHP, Garmin G1000 Avionics,    Certified for Icing Conditions.     11400HRS TT, 12-Year completed in
                                                                                                                                    External Baggage Compartment,
        feedstocks and is very similar in its                                                                                     29” Wheel Upgrade, Air Conditioning.          One of the best!                   May 2017. Registered NTCA.
        chemistry to traditional fossil jet fuel.                                                                                                                            Price: US$ 265 000                     Price: R 2 300 000

        Using SAF results in a reduction in                                                                                          Price: US$ 1 150 000

        carbon emissions compared to the
        traditional jet fuel it replaces over

        the lifecycle of the fuel. Some typical
        feedstocks used are cooking oil and
        other non-palm waste oils from animals
        or plants; solid waste from homes and
        businesses, such as packaging, paper,
        textiles, and food scraps that would   are developing new SAF supply chains.   combined the latest in aircraft efficiency

        otherwise go to landfill or incineration.                              and the use of SAF to cut emissions by 46%
        Other potential sources include forestry   In 2016 Air bp created a strategic partner-

        waste, such as waste wood, and energy   ship with Fulcrum BioEnergy with an initial   compared to regular flights on the same   2004 Airvan 8                      * 2009 Lancair Legacy                   * 1969 Cessna 182M
        crops, including fast growing plants and   investment of $30 million. The Californian   route. In all, we have supplied around 25   4500 Hours TT Airframe          Paint by Robin Coss in 2019             5400 Hours TT Airframe

        algae. Air bp’s SAF is currently made from   company is building its first plant in Reno,   different customers with SAF so far.  300 Hours SMOH Engine              Your personal rocket ship.
        used cooking oil and animal waste fat.  Nevada, which will produce sustainable   HOW DOES THE COST OF SAF                         Ready to work                         MUST BE SEEN!                       1100 Hours SMOH Engine
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Price: R 800 000
                                           transport fuel made from household waste.
        WHY IS SAF IMPORTANT?              Fulcrum intends to construct additional   COMPARE TO TRADITIONAL JET                       Price: US$ 380 000                     Price: US$ 150 000


        Jet fuel packs a lot of energy for its weight   facilities and ultimately plans to supply us

        and it is this energy density that has   with over 50 million US gallons of SAF per   SAF is currently more costly than traditional

                                                                               fossil jet fuel. That’s down to a combination

        really enabled commercial flight. Today,   year.                       of the current availability of sustainable
        there aren’t any other viable options for   IS IT SAFE TO USE?         feedstocks and the continuing develop-

        transporting groups of people quickly over

        very long distances, so we’re dependent on   SAF can be blended at up to 50% with   ment of new production technologies. As

        this type of fuel in aviation. A return flight   traditional jet fuel and all quality tests are   the technology matures it will become

                                                                               more efficient and so the expectation is

        between London and San Francisco has   completed as per a traditional jet fuel.   that it will become less costly for custom-

        a carbon footprint per economy ticket of   The blend is then re-certified as Jet A or   ers. We are seeing increased uptake of
        nearly 1 tonne of CO2e. With the aviation   Jet A-1. It can be handled in the same way

        industry expected to double to over 8   as a traditional jet fuel, so no changes are   SAF as our customers and their passengers

        billion passengers by 2050, it is essential   required in the fuelling infrastructure or   increasingly recognize and value the   1948 Ercoupe 415E             2009 Ford GT40 Mk.1 Replica               * 1965 Mooney M20E
                                                                               benefits of the emission reductions.

        that we act to reduce aviation’s carbon   for an aircraft wanting to use SAF. In 2016,                                   2040 Hours TT Airframe, 757 Hrs SMOH   Ford 351 Windsor V8, Remote Oil Cooler,      Good paint and interior.

        emissions and SAF is one way in which Air   we were the first operator to commence   IS SAF REALLY THE KEY TO MAKING      Engine (Lycoming O-235), All-new wing  Spec High Performance Clutch, Audi 5-Spd   2X Garmin G5s and GNS430W.
        bp is doing that.                  commercial supply of SAF through an   AVIATION GREENER?                              internals, fabric skins, extended range tanks   Gearbox. Beautiful Gulf-themed paint job with   The ultimate short field Mooney.
                                           existing hydrant fuelling system, at                                                       and fresh paint throughout.               cleared-in decals.                A Fantastic complex IFR trainer.

        HOW MUCH CARBON DOES IT            Norway’s Oslo Airport.              SAF can drop straight into existing infra-         Price: R 350 000 (Private Sale)      Price: To Swop for What Have You              Price: R 680 000

        SAVE?                              IS SAF SUITABLE FOR ALL AIR-        structure and aircraft. It has the potential

        SAF gives an impressive reduction of up to   CRAFT?                    to provide a lifecycle carbon reduction of                                                                             OTHER AIRCRAFT FOR SALE
                                                                               up to 80% compared to the traditional jet

        80% in carbon emissions over the lifecycle                                                                                                                                                    * 1981 Mooney M20J 201

        of the fuel compared to traditional jet fuel   Any aircraft certified for using the current   fuel it replaces.                                                  2009 Dyn'Aero MCR4-S         2015 Airvan 8

        it replaces, depending on the sustainable   specification of jet fuel can use SAF.   SAF will play a really important role in                                       100Hrs all components     1948 Ercoupe 415e

        feedstock used, production method and   WHO HAS AIR BP SUPPLIED?       meeting the aviation industry’s carbon                                                       SNEW. Turbocharged,       1969 Cessna 182M

        the supply chain to the airport.   To date, Air bp has supplied SAF at 16   reduction targets, however, we need to use                                             Carbon Fibre, 4-Seat LSA
                                                                               all the options to reduce carbon that we

        WHO DOES AIR BP PARTNER WITH       locations across three continents. Air bp’s   have available.                                                              Price: EUR 130 000 (Private Sale)

        TO SUPPLY SAF?                     SAF has been used to fuel many different   There are several broad opportunities

        Air bp has announced collaborations with   types of aircraft from small private jets to   for carbon reduction across the industry

        two companies: in 2018 the business signed   large passenger aircraft. We have a supply   such as more efficient aircraft design,

        an agreement with leading renewable   chain established in Sweden, from which   smarter operations                       * Maintained by the only Mooney Factory approved

        fuel producer Neste, which produces   we are supplying locations across the re-  and the development                   Maintenance and Repair Facility in Africa. Unless
        sustainable aviation fuel made from   gion. It was this supply chain that enabled   of future technologies           otherwise stated all prices are exclusive of VAT

        100% renewable waste and residue raw   us to fuel Braathens Regional Airlines for   like electrification. In

        materials. Through this collaboration we   its ‘Perfect Flight’ back in May 2019, which   that regard, in 2016 Air   To page 38
                                                 World Airnews | December 2020                                                                                      
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