Page 42 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 42


                                 SAFETY QUALIFICATION


                                           giving students an invaluable/extensive   more generally.”

                                           learning experience,” ACI world director   The new ASP, while the first in the area
               irports Council International World   general Luis Felipe de Oliveira said.   of safety, is the second successful initiative

       Aand the Internati onal Civil Aviati on   “This programme was developed through   jointly offered by ICAO and ACI. The Global

       Organization has launched a new global   our strong relationship with ICAO and our   ICAO-ACI airport management professional

       qualification programme for airport safety   joint efforts to offer only the highest qual-  accreditation programme was first intro-

       professionals and civil aviation regulators.  ity of training in the industry. Partnerships   duced in 2007 and has since recognised

         The ACI/ICAO Airport Safety Professional   like this, forged with our global partners,   more than 1,000 International Airport

       (ASP) programme is the first and only joint   are key in promoting the development of   Professionals globally.

       professional aviation programme of its   the entire aviation ecosystem and provid-  To be accredited as an airport safety pro-

       kind and will help to support global airport   ing the skills and expertise need to carry   fessional and awarded the ASP designation,

       industry recovery by assisting airports to   the industry through recovery from the   candidates must pass the online validation

       align safety practices with ICAO.   COVID-19 pandemic.”                 exam within one year after successfully

         Designed by industry leaders from both   “The successful recovery and resumption   completing the required mandatory cours-

       organisations, it validates an individual’s   of global air transport operations relies   es and elective course. The mandatory and

       dedication and expertise by promoting   significantly on the technical and manage-  elective courses must be completed within

       professional excellence in the field of air-  rial skills of airport safety professionals and   a three-year timeframe.

       port airside operations. Graduates will be   airport civil aviation regulators, and on their   Each course is delivered exclusively by

       able to use the industry designation of ASP   capacity to innovate in the face of the many   certified ICAO and ACI instructors and based

       which is a welcomed addition to the global   challenges now confronting our sector and   on ICAO Standards and Recommended Prac-

       ACI-ICAO International Airport Professional   the societies and industries it serves”, said   tices and ACI industry best practices.

       management designation of IAP.      ICAO secretary general Fang Liu.     The pilot programme took place in Brazil,

         “The safety of our passengers and collab-  “This new ICAO-ACI initiative will help   with several others already lined up. While

       orators is our number one priority, and this   assure we maintain a safe, secure, and   initially delivered in English, ACI and ICAO

       new programme promotes ACI’s leading   efficient aviation system supporting both   plan to expand the number of languages

       practices alongside ICAO industry safety   current essential air cargo and other ser-  offered for each course using global and

       standards and recommended practices   vices, and pandemic air transport recovery   local case studies. Q
                               PIPER AIRCRAFT BRAND
                         AMBASSADOR PROGRAMME

                                            journey using social media channels like   “Ultimately we believe this initiative

                                            Instagram. Ambassadors will be able to   serves many motives, the most important

                iper Aircraft and the University of   provide future students with valuable in-  of which is promoting the aviation indus-

         PNorth Dakota (UND) Aerospace      sight into life at UND Aerospace and will   try and the opportunities that exist.”

          have announced the launch of a brand   be positioned to inspire future aviators.  “The students, faculty and staff at UND

          ambassador programme.              In return, ambassadors are able to   Aerospace are some of the most enthu-

            The platform is designed to increase   gain valuable communication skills,   siastic and grounded individuals in the

          awareness of the programs offered by UND   build industry connections and have the   industry. We continually strive to improve

          Aerospace as well as showcase the Piper   opportunity to participate in Piper and   our programs and wish to showcase them

          training product line in use at one of the   UND Aerospace events.  through means more vivid than traditional

          largest collegiate flight schools in the world.  “With Piper’s strong presence in the   media. We appreciate our relationship

            The collaborative initiative is expected   flight training market and our large social   with Piper Aircraft and look forward

          to create a community of like-minded   media follower base, we are in a unique   to partnering in this creative outreach.

          aviation enthusiasts with a career inter-  position to launch and support an ambas-  Aviation is a globally strong and uniquely

          est in aviation.                  sador programme. Our intent with the   supportive team and the social platforms

            Piper Aircraft and the team at UND Aero-  program is to promote our industry while   today bring us closer together than ever

          space recruited ambassadors based on their   supporting one of our customers through   imagined,” said Chad Martin, fleet manag-

          enthusiasm, versatility and passion.  the development of micro influencers   er for UND aerospace.

            The team of ambassadors will have the   who are actively flight training with the   “Our ambassadors are creative, and

          opportunity to speak about their UND   goal of becoming a professional pilot,”   they will provide a flight line reminis-
          programme and campus life experience   said Jackie Carlon, senior director of mar-  cence for alumni and a real-life experi-

          as well as share their personal training   keting and corporate communications.   ence for aspiring pilots.” Q
                                                 World Airnews | December 2020
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