Page 12 - Thorn In The Heart
P. 12

Thorn In The Heart

         tearful, then she will pray and cry at the midnight of fearing. The
         youth take these parts of that love with them to be the killer or
         will die on the battlefields.

             Somewhere over the country, the young man will die on the
         war field, but his soul had tightened with the tender love letter in
         the breast pocket, and suddenly, his smile escaped flying high in
         the sky. Somehow the young lady does not bury her tender man
         in  the  fragile  heart  to  fly  out  of  the  soft  kennel  love  for  the
         passion of life. She lives to wait for her lover forever and dies
         for it in the sorry painful suffering!

             A  stereo  had  played  another  disk  at  the  end  of  the  Blue
         Danube song, and the sad voices of a famous female singer rise
         in the air of "A Gift for you" song. The words are the poems that
         written by an Army Ranger soldier and Pham-Duy created it to
         the music.

             “I ask you. .!”

             “I ask you. .! When are you back. .?”

             “The answer . . . tomorrow . . .!”

             The sound of the saxophone rolls up in the air as the sobbing
         cry of the most ladies who were living with her children while
         their spouses were fighting on the battlefield. They were lonely
         living in hopeless to wait for their lover who may not be back
         from the war and had been painful suffering of their soul from
         day by day for the news. Every day they  listened to the radio,
         which counts the dead bodies for both sides and felt renting in
         their hearts. They knew that the war was breaking out on over
         countryside, and the people had narrow escape the flame of war
         toward  the  cities  to  be  the  refugees  on  the  sidewalks.  Every
         midnight they heard the echo of bombs and canons, look at their
         children  sleeping  on  the  bed  then  pray  in  the  silence  with  the
         tearful on their hands.

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