Page 4 - VT_Farm_Show_Guide_2018_lr
P. 4

Greetings from the

                                                     Vermont Farm Show,
                                                     Version 2018!!

                                                        We are excited to offer you access to the most innovative
                                                     companies doing business on behalf of agriculturists and
                                                     we hope you spend all day (or days!) visiting our vendors
                                                     and attending organizational meetings.
                                                       All three days will be filled with exciting things to do,
                                                     so please check the events listing as well as the vendor
                                                     listings to plan your time here.
                                                       Please visit our contest displays, where you can see
                                                     award winning examples of Vermont’s best maple syrup,
                                                     Christmas trees, honey and fiber.
            It’s great                               Wednesday morning beginning at 8:30 a.m., and the ever-
                                                       We will be hosting the FFA Student Competition on
            how farming                              popular Consumer Night/Capital Cook-Off will begin on
                                                     Wednesday at 4:00 and close at 7:00 p.m.
                                                       Please take advantage of the exhibitors hosting
            brings                                   “Job Fair on the Floor.” This is a unique way to learn
                                                     more about opportunities in agriculture, and talk with
                                                     people who are working in the field. All attendees are
            people                                   invited to visit the booths marked JOB FAIR stops,
                                                     and explore career paths related to farming. These
                                                     exhibitors are located in both exhibit halls, so please
            together.                                make sure you find them all!
                                                       The Vermont Farm Show has been going strong
                                                     for 86 years, with only a two year hiatus due to World
                                                     War II. It has traveled from down town Burlington to
            We’re proud to work with the             the hill in Barre to its current home in Essex Junction.
            #1 farm insurer* that has over           The Champlain Valley Fairgrounds is the best facility
            100 years of experience in agriculture.   allowing us to host more exhibitors with better parking
            They help us oœer top of the line        for everyone. Whether you are a first time visitor of have
            protection for your farm or ranch        been coming for years, we are so happy to share the future
            operation, with flexible coverages        of agriculture with you!
            and exceptional claims, underwriting
            and risk management services.              From the Team – Jackie, Glenn, Dave, Nan and Steve
                                                       AND the Vermont Farm Show Board of Directors
            We offer Nationwide farm and ranch
            insurance and would welcome the          FUN     Cabot Creamery’s first year of exhibiting at the
            chance to discuss it with you.           FACT    Show was 1945!!

            Stuart Farnham
            Frazer Agency Inc .

            *2015 SNL Financial Report. Based on statutory data.
            Products  underwritten  by  Nationwide  Agribusiness  Insurance
            Company,  Farmland  Mutual  Insurance  Company,  Allied
            Property  and  Casualty  Insurance  Company  and  AMCO
            Insurance  Company.  Home  O€ce:  1100  Locust  Street,  Des
            Moines, IA 50391. Subject to underwriting guidelines, review and
            approval. Products and discounts not available to all persons in                    PHOTO COURTESY OF BARB SWEET
            all  states.  Nationwide  and  the  Nationwide  N  and  Eagle  are
            service marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company.
            © 2017 Nationwide GPO-0292AO (06/16) 7006666
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