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   The Vermont Farm Show was incorporated in 1957      On behalf of Governor Phil Scott and the Vermont
        and has gotten better every year.  2018 is no exception.   Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets, I want to
        If you are interested in agriculture, this is the place to   welcome you to the 2018 Farm Show. This event
        visit. Whether you milk 500 Holsteins or two goats you   celebrates the wonderful people, animals, products and
        will find something to improve your operation. Every   places that make up Vermont agriculture.  Your visit
        commodity is included from maple companies for sugar   will reinforce that Vermont agriculture is a wonderful
        makers who tap 50 to thousands of trees to beekeeping   and vital part of Vermont’s culture, environment and
        supplies for any size hive owner. If you are a goat, horse,   economy.  Many issues face the agriculture community
        or sheep farmer, there are many informative booths for   but we are focused on helping our farmers.  This
        you to visit too. Exhibitors are eager to share valuable   wonderful event celebrates our past but also keeps us
        information with everyone interested in agriculture.   focused on the future.  I want to personally thank all
        There are over 150 companies and organizations inside   those who continue to work for the public benefits of
        the Robert E. Miller Expo Center whether you run a large   farming while taking on the challenges we face.
        or small operation. Don’t forget the equipment outside!  I also want to thank and congratulate the Farm Show
          The farm show provides a venue for many agricultural   Board for their hard work to bring us this event every
        organizations to meet. Groups present this year include;   year. From the Capital Cook-Off to Consumer Night,
        the VT/NH Christmas Tree Association, VT Beekeepers   this event celebrates our connection to each other, our
        Association, FFA, Vermont Farm Bureau, VT Sheep and   communities, environment and land.  The Agency will
        Goat Association, Cabot Creamery, VT Beef Producers   continue its efforts to support Vermont agriculture
        Association, plus various organic and conventional   by creating affordability, assisting the vulnerable, and
        organizations.                               growing the economy.  Vermont is a wonderful place to
          The Buy Local Market is great place to sample local   live, work, play, and farm!  Let’s keep moving forward to
        foods. Be sure to look at the entries for the best maple,   support our state.
        honey, fiber, Christmas trees, hay and forage competitions.   Enjoy the Show!

          Dave Martin, President                       Anson Tebbetts, Secretary
          Vermont Farm Show                            Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets   VTFS


                                                           The Class of 2017 rated 99% in the 6-Month Outcomes survey

                                                                 Students get real-
                                                               world experience and
          Thanks to the Vermont Farm Show and its vendors for their   hands-on learning in
             annual support of the 2+2 Farms Scholarship Fund!     every major.

           Small College. Big Outcomes.

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