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GENEO X is an electrical system, be careful not to spill liquids on it. Do not clean under running water. When not in use, protect the system from dust and store system’s components in a cool and dry place.
1. Shall be applied after each customer treatment to the OxyGeneo Applicator, its plastic mediator, its massager head and its cradle according to the following procedure:
2. Turn main unit OFF by pressing the ON/OFF switch located on the back panel.
3. Disconnect the device from Power Supply with dry hands.
4. Remove the Applicators from main unit.
5. Remove the detachable massager head and plastic mediator (Fig. 50-51) to prepare for cleaning.
6. Apply cleaning steps 7 to 12 below to clean the applicator, the massager head, the plastic mediator and the cradle:
7. Use a soft cloth, moistened with detergent solution 0.55% ortho-phthalaldehyde disinfectant for 5 minutes (such as CIDEX® OPA1), to clean all parts until they are visibly clean. To clean the channels in the top surface of the Oxygeneo Applicator use sterile swabs moistened with the detergent solution above.
Fig. 50
8. Use a new soft cloth, moistened with tap water for 15 seconds, to remove detergent residuals.
9. Use a dry soft cloth to dry the Applicator.
10. Useasoftcloth,moistenedwithmedicalgrade70%alcoholsolutionfor1minute,to wipe the Applicator.
11. Spray the applicator with medical grade 70% alcohol solution, then wipe with a dry soft cloth. Be careful not to spill any liquids on or into the Applicator.
12. Ifdirtresidueswerenotfullyremoved,repeatcleaningsteps7-11.
13. Place the applicator back in its applicator cradle and air dry it. Note: applicator should not be placed back in the applicator cradle holder until after completion of the cleaning instructions.
NOTE: The Ultrasound Applicator Upgrade Kit contain cleaning instructions for that applicator in the dedicated user manual provided in the kit.
Thorough cleaning instructions at the end of the day and at the beginning of the day (if the system is not covered after last cleaning) for holder, main unit and touchscreen.
Note: Make sure the applicator is turned OFF and then turn the Main Unit OFF before performing daily care.
1. For cleaning, wipe the Silicone Applicator Cradle Holder with a soft, non-abrasive cloth moistened
with a soap and water mixture. Be careful not to spill any liquids on the system.
2. For drying, wipe the Silicone Applicator Cradle Holder with a soft, non-abrasive cloth and again, be
careful not to spill any liquids on the system.
Caution: The LCD panel is made from fragile glass material, impulse and pressure to the LCD panel should be avoided.
CLEANING GENEO X MAIN UNIT (frame, base and touchscreen2)
(1) CIDEX® OPA manufactured by Johnson & Johnson
(2) Instruction according to the touchscreen manufacturer Shenzhen ITD Display Equipment Co.,
Clean the System at least once a week. Turn the System off and wipe all surfaces with a soft, damp, nonabrasive cloth. Be careful not to spill any liquids on the system.