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P. 26

      Error Message on screen
     Possible Cause of Failure
   No text or display on touch screen
   Communication problem
   Switch the system OFF and then switch it ON again. If there is still no display on touch screen, please contact service center
   No backlight on touch screen
   AC/DC power supply failure
   Switch the system OFF and then switch it ON again. If touch screen still does not operate properly, please contact service center
   Touch screen display failure
 Touch screen malfunction
 Switch the system OFF and then switch it ON again. If display still does not operate properly, please contact service center. Do not operate a damaged Main Unit
   System cannot be switched off
   ON/OFF switch failure, system cannot be switched off
   Unplug the system and contact Pollogen’s customer service center
   System cannot be powered ON
     External wall mount power supply DC cord or jack failure
     Unplug the system and contact service center
   Communication error message or red highlighting on applicator
    “Communication error, check applicator connection” or “Please re-connect applicator.
In case error persists contact Technical Support”
   Verify that the applicator is connected and locked
Verify that a green led light is illuminated on the applicator.
   If applicator is connected and the green led light is illuminated but still there is a communication error, switch applicator to the alternative inlet and recheck.
If the problem persists, please contact service center
   Session does not start
 After pressing ‘Start,’ verify that the green led light on the applicator has changed from a constant green to blinking green
 If the green led light stays constant, shutdown system, disconnect applicator, reconnect to another port, and recheck. If the problem is not solved, please contact service center
If the green led light is blinking, you pressed the ON/ OFF (start) button on the applicator and session still does not begin, please contact service center
   files cannot be exported to flash drive For certified service personnel only
     Flash drive is not formatted Flash-drive is writing protected.
     Format flash drive and try again
Disable write protect feature on flash drive
   Software cannot be updated
  “Software was NOT updated, please try again” or” SW was NOT updated, please contact service.”
 Verify only official flash drive is connected to the system
Verify that you are attempting to upgrade a recent software version
 If a valid flash drive is connected with a recent version than the one already installed, but still upgrade is not preformed, switch flash drive to another port and retry. If it does not help, please contact service center
   ON/OFF switch stays in ON position
   Switch failure
   Carefully pull power cord out of the electrical socket
   Applicator is not connected properly
     Applicator connection
     Check the applicator’s connectors

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