Page 17 - Internal Auditor M.E. (English) - June 2018
P. 17
conversations with colleagues
What do you think are top challenges that our stakeholders
are dealing with these days? “Some of the best chief
Digitization is the number one challenge our stakeholders are
dealing with. Internal audit’s stakeholders will continue to audit executives are like
deal with many challenges such as achieving the organization’s
growth targets, reliability of financial reporting, optimizing sparring partners to senior
the supply chain, complying with complex regulation and
other challenges. But these days they think about all these management; it’s someone
challenges in the context of new technologies and the
potential disruption of their business model. For example, they trust and who can
when it comes to growth targets, CEOs think about how
they can use technology to create new revenue channels. challenge the way they are
Similarly, CFOs would ponder the impact of blockchain on the
intercompany transactions and other financial reporting areas. managing business risks”
This means that the business processes of organizations will
change and with that will come a new set of risks. However, So how can internal audit functions align their team,
the classical risk universe won’t go away; it will be enlarged by methodology and outcomes to these expectations?
an onslaught of digital risks. This requires a significant change in the skill sets of the team
and the tools used by the internal audit function. The skill
Given these challenges, what is the value that stakeholders set at leading internal audit functions have already been
expect to get from their internal audit function? evolving. Looking back at audit functions I worked with 15
Stakeholders are expecting us to audit these digital risks as years ago, the majority of team members had 5 or less years
well as audit the digital agenda. Further, boards are asking of experience. Today, these same functions have evolved
to include a majority of team member with 15 – 20 years of
internal audit to identify risks that are not on the board’s experience. These team members are able to challenge the
agenda nor on management’s radar. This means supporting business in a way that someone with 5 years of experience
risk identification and not just focusing on auditing can’t. Also the reality in many organizations is that the
management’s mitigation/response to risk. likelihood of a recommendation being accepted when put
forward by a senior team member is higher than when a less
In addition, there is an expectation to limit the amount of
experience member puts the same recommendation forward.
time spent focusing on the past. Internal audit needs to focus This skill model doesn’t mean that junior team members
on the present and provide advice on risks before they occur are not required, it just means that they cannot form the
by getting involved at the right time. There is limited value backbone of the internal audit function.
coming in after the fact and telling management about what As for the tools, internal audit obviously needs to go digital
went wrong on a completed $10 million project. Most likely to keep up with the business. This means efficient analytics
they already know what went wrong. delivery and optimized operations through further process
Finally, the somewhat surprising trend we’re seeing at several standardization. In today’s world almost all processes leave
major organizations is that stakeholders are asking internal a digital footprint that can be audited. This means less
audit to challenge the business to see if they are doing things time to execute the work but also better quality findings as
100% of the population has been audited. But going digital
the right way. Let’s take a strategy audit as an example: It’s not is more than mining for data around duplicate payments or
just about looking at the strategic planning process and how duplicate addresses in the supplier master data. It also needs
well the execution is going, it is now about asking “if we use to address the present (with real time analytics) and the future
strategy #1 will it work given our organizations’ processes, (using predicative analytics). In addition the internal audit
risk and control frameworks?”. Here internal audit challenges department needs to digitalize / automize their own processes
the way strategy is put into reality. All that being said, internal as much as possible. This means the split if work between
audit will still need to make sure it gives appropriate attention the “Human” and the “Machine” needs to be redefined. The
to core assurance areas. human focusses on the qualitative part of the work, defining