Page 22 - Internal Auditor M.E. (English) - June 2018
P. 22

auditing culture

          obtain objective evidence about something   into evaluating soft controls while building   •  Audits of entity-level governance and risk
          that is, itself, subjective? The answer   the team toward a more robust focus on   management structures and activities.
          is the evidence obtained in auditing   culture.                    •  Audits of processes with significant
          culture doesn’t have to be as objective as                          cultural influence such as ethics training,
          the evidence obtained in auditing hard   Audit Skills The Chartered Institute   incentives, and human resource practices.
          controls. The applicable International   of Internal Auditors’ 2016 report,
          Standards for the Professional Practice   Organisational Culture — Evolving   •  Cross-functional thematic audits such as
          of Internal Auditing (1100, 1120, 2310,   Approaches to Embedding and Assurance,   culture of compliance and management
          2320, and 2420) do not require objective   details the skills and competencies internal   initiatives.
          evidence. To summarize what the   auditors in the U.K. and Ireland say the   •  Cultural auditing embedded in every
          Standards say, internal auditors must   profession needs to audit culture:  audit project.
          identify the best attainable information   •  Professional judgment (84 percent).
          about the culture through the use of                               Audit results should include hard evidence
          appropriate engagement techniques. This   •  Use of experienced or senior auditors to   where it applies, as well as the results
          information must be factual, adequate, and   lead the work         of interviews and other self-assessment
          convincing so that a prudent, informed   • (71 percent).           techniques. All audit evidence should be
          person would reach the same conclusions                            correlated and analyzed until reasonable
          as the auditor. Internal auditors must base   •  Enhanced communication skills to   and persuasive statements about culture
          their conclusions and engagement results   deliver unpalatable findings (60 percent).  emerge. Conclusions should be discussed
          on appropriate analyses and evaluations.   •  Influence and negotiation skills (48   and modified, if appropriate, at all levels
          Their reporting of results must be fair,   percent).               before they are finalized. Internal audit
          impartial, and the result of a balanced   •  Training from specialists on qualitative   techniques that have proven effective for
          assessment of all relevant facts and   methods and survey design (33 percent).  auditing culture are root cause analysis,
          circumstances.                                                     structured interviews, employee surveys,
                                           Just 21 percent of respondents say auditors   and self-assessment workshops.
          To comply with the Standards, internal   already have the skills necessary to assess
          auditors typically use a combination of   culture and soft controls, the survey notes.   Root cause analysis is basic-to-good
          objective and subjective evidence, evaluate   Organizations could supplement the skills   internal auditing. Pushed deeply enough,
          it objectively, and “connect the dots” about   of the audit team by partnering with other   the root cause of an audit issue is often
          the culture in a way that is persuasive.   assurance providers, such as those in the   cultural. It might be a disconnect
          They are careful not to conclude more   second line of defense. Cosourcing with   between the desired overall culture and
          firmly than the evidence supports, and   outside providers can be another good   the subculture created by a manager. Or
          they present results as giving perspective                         it might be pervasive. “Connecting the
          into the culture rather than stating audit   Audit’s Relationship to the Business   dots” from numerous audits can create
          opinions or ratings.             Support from the top is crucial but not   persuasive evidence of an issue in the
                                           sufficient. Internal audit must have earned   overall culture.
          Executives and board members are at   the trust and credibility of managers   Structured interviews enable internal
          least intuitively aware of the challenges in   throughout the organization to deal with   auditors to ask a sample of employees the
          auditing culture and may be skeptical of   sensitive issues appropriately. If this is not   same questions. For example, to determine
          internal audit’s ability to deal with them.   the case, auditors should rely on tools such   whether a “culture of compliance” exists in
          For the audit to succeed, executives and   as anonymous employee surveys initially   his company, a CAE personally interviews
          board members must be willing to accept   and focus on building relationships.   65 of the 1,000 employees. He starts with
          less hard evidence than they are used to   Extra care should be taken in reporting   simple questions to set each employee at
          receiving and accept that there are gray   audit results in ways that are most likely   ease and later gets into sensitive questions
          areas (see “The Subjectivity of Culture” at   to get corrective action taken without   like, “Have you ever been asked to do
                                                                             anything that you believe violates the code
          right). Chief audit executives (CAEs) must   unintended negative repercussions. The   of business conduct or company policies?”
                                           CAE and audit managers will have to work
          persuade them that their internal audit   more closely with the audit team to be
          team has the skills, judgment, tools, and   sure they are using mature judgment and   This technique is more objective than
          techniques to provide valuable insights   communicating appropriately with their   unstructured interviews because one set
          into the culture. The team, of course, must   clients.             of questions and one skilled interviewer
                                                                             bring consistency to the process. It
          in fact have these attributes. If it does and                      does, however, require a high level
          the board agrees, it is helpful to establish   Scope and Techniques  of interviewing skills to detect when
          auditing culture as a mandate in the   The most comprehensive culture audits   someone’s positive answer isn’t what the
          internal audit charter. If the team does not   combine hard and soft control testing at a   person is really thinking and ask the
          have the skills, it is best to take baby steps   variety of levels. For example:  right follow-up questions. It also relies on

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