Page 32 - Internal Auditor M.E. (English) - June 2018
P. 32

audit expectations                                                  TO cOMMenT on the article,
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          By: Hazem Saleem Editor: Ayman Abdel Rahim
          Why stakeholders do not

          meet the Expectations

          of Internal Audit

          The title may seem weird or shocking   Tips to improve
          at first glance. Recently, there are many   stakeholders’
          discussions about how internal audit could
          meet the expectation of stakeholders. This   maturity
          subject was discussed from all aspects   In fact, the role of
          in many articles, studies, workshops,   internal audit in large        urge them to transfer the knowledge
          researches and publications. Moreover,   organizations is just as important as, if   and experience gained from these
          various questionnaires were developed to   not more important than, that of other   workshops to other managerial
          measure the satisfaction of stakeholders   organizational units. Because its role   levels. Further, emphasize that joint
          with the performance of internal audit   is primarily related to improving the   cooperation between internal audit
          and its role in achieving the objectives of   operations and enhancing the internal   and other units will bear fruit and
          the organization, improving its operations   control, risk management and governance   benefit the organization and enhance
          and enhancing the control and risk   practices that governs the operations and   its reputation.
          management practices.            management of these units. Therefore,   4-  Raising awareness of role of internal
                                           considering its role as inferior reflects   audit in the event of any fundamental
          But on the other hand, these studies,   the lack of accurate understanding of   changes that lead to change in
          articles and researches did not address the   this role. Below are some tips to improve   stakeholder members.
          subject from the other party perspective   stakeholders’ maturity for understanding
          with the same degree of interest, how   the vital role of internal audit:  5-  Demonstrating the importance
          can stakeholders meet the expectations                                 of engaging the internal audit
          of internal audit and achieve the level of   1-  Periodically clarify the role of internal   in providing consultations that
          maturity required to understand the role of   audit and demonstrate its importance   contribute to support the role of
          internal audit.                      in complementing the role of other   organizational units. This will
                                               organizational units toward improving   ultimately results in exchanging
          Wrong impression about the           operations and support the internal   experiences and improve the level
          role of internal audit               control system, risk management and   of work. Hence, we find nothing to
                                                                                 prevent presence of internal audit
          The continuous and ongoing discussion of   2-  Promoting the work and efforts   as observers in the committees and
          how internal audit meets the expectation of   of internal audit by continuously   different teams, targeting specific
          stakeholders may give a wrong impression   introducing the internal auditing   tasks, without prejudice to the
          about the internal audit in comparison   approach and confirming that   independence and objectivity.
          with other units within the organization.   internal audit activities are carried   This is part of a whole, the subject has
          This wrong impression is resulting from   out in accordance with standards,   more implications , and it may need many
          the need of internal audit to continuously   procedures and scientific methods.   articles and ideas in order to be addressed
          justify the reasons for its existence and the   Further, emphasize the independence   from different perspectives. However, at the
          importance of its work to achieve the same   of its role from the rest of other units   end, if we realize that there is one goal with
          objectives as other organizational units as   within the organization by providing   one common interest and that there is one
          if these units seek to achieve aspirations   objective recommendations, which   team, not two, each performs its role
          and objectives that are not recognized or   contributes to strengthening control   in a different way, that would contribute
          matched by the internal audit efforts. In   and risk management and helps to   significantly in harmonizing the work
          addition, some of these units may consider   achieve objectives of organization.  performance, increase effectiveness of
          the internal audit efforts as obstacles to   3-  Conducting periodic workshops for   internal audit and achieve stakeholders’
          their work, which may impact stakeholders   top management to increase the level   satisfaction.
          and thus affect the level of stakeholders’   of knowledge maturity of internal
          satisfaction of internal audit work.  audit work and its importance and   Hazem Saleem

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