Page 34 - Internal Auditor M.E. (English) - June 2018
P. 34

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          By: Noorah Rashed Al Hamrani Al Shamsi
         A brief history about Internal Audit practice

          The Definition of Internal Auditing states the fundamental   was established in 1711. The company had been given a promise
          purpose, nature, and scope of internal auditing.  by the British Government to have all types of trade in the Spanish
            “ Internal auditing is an independent, objective assurance and   Colonies in South America in exchange for taking over the
             consulting activity designed to add value and improve an   national debt that has risen by the war of Spanish succession.
             organization’s operations. It helps an organization accomplish   The war ended in 1713 and tightened the scope of trade
             its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach   opportunities for the South Sea company by confirming Spain’s
             to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management,   rule over its new world colonies. This left the company with
             control, and governance processes.”            limited options in the
          The auditing profession has evolved throughout the years to meet   slave trade and the interest to be paid by the government on the
          the needs of the changing business environment. Auditing existed   loan from the South Sea Company. Although unsuccessful in
          since the beginning of human civilization. It is known that the   trade, the company was able to convince the British government to
          Sumerians developed the first known elaborate systems of law and   approve the conversion of successive portions of the national debt
          government. In the Babylon city existed a man named Hammurabi   into company shares.
          who was a great law maker who established laws that were
          imprinted on a stone pillar. These are now on display at the Louvre   The company started to trade stock at a f128 (f stands for shilling).
          in Paris. Those laws were used at the time to punish crimes and to   This caused the share price to rise to f175. Due to the rise in share
          protect people from any committing fraud.         price, the government recommended a proposal from the company
          In the Zhao dynasty in China (1122 – 256 B.C) they have created   to assume yet move of the national debt in exchange for shares in
          an official record keeping systems as their worries about correctly   company. This caused share price to rise in three months to f330.
          accounting for receipts are documented.           This caused a general interest in joint-stock investment
          During reign of calif Omer bin Al Khattab (may God be pleased   opportunities. This event occurred 1720 and was called “Bubble
          with him), he implemented the internal and external audit concept   year” and as a result of this the South Sea company established a
          among cities that were under his rule at that time. This rose from   Charter which was an essential item for any company to join stock
          the idea that high profile officials may use their position for unfair   market.
          benefits.                                         By early July 1720, South Sea Company started to sell off and the
          From then onwards, all the upcoming dynasties were   share price of the company started to fall gradually. By September
          concentrating on decreasing accounting errors and ensuring   of the same year, the share prices reached f175. In 1721 an
          accuracy. Therefore, throughout the centuries, auditing concept   investigation launched revealed deception, corruption and bribery
          started to arise in the accounting practices.     as the causes that led to this fall in share price between company
                                                            and government officials and caused bankruptcy and the closure of
          The concept of auditing started to gain importance in the   the company.
          beginning of 20th century when business activities started to
          grow in size and scope. There was a vital need for a separate   At the end, I would like to conclude that audit was practiced since
          internal assurance function which was needed to authenticate all   the beginning of the human beings as it was an essential item
          accounting records for decision making.           that was needed to monitor and keep the records of all monetary
                                                            activities to protect both people and business and country rights
          Victor Z. Brink and Lawrence B. Sawyer were the most two   and to avoid any deceptions activities, which might increase crime
          influential individuals in the IIA’s history. They have created the   activities and cause insecurity feeling in society.
          auditing standards which are now used by the auditors during
          their audit inspections.                          Noorah Rashed Al Hamrani Al Shamsi.
          An example of a fraud case which was famously known in the 18th   accounting Processing Supervisor
          century is “South Sea Bubble” scandal. The South Sea Company   @ Federal Water and electricity authority

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