Page 11 - Unseen Hands by Nona Freeman
P. 11
Not since the day when Philip the Evangelist attached himself to the chariot of the Ethiopian eunuch has there been so much spiritual excitement over Ethiopia. The Holy Spirit has moved mightily in the last decade. Literally thousands have come to the Spirit-fQled experience. Not the least of those who have been in the forefront of the battle are our beloved Brother Tekle and his wife Sister Erkenesh. This couple has been greatly used in the miraculous, sovereign move of God in Ethiopia.
Their humble spirit is noteworthy. Constantly they are mindful to give praise to Him who called them out of darkness into this marvelous light. No doubt, the very fact that their ministry is Christ exalting is the key to the spiritual success they have had. You will not be able to put this book down. It is different!
May I add that this is Nona Freeman at her best. No one is any more knowledgeable of the Ethiopian revival than the Freemans. No one is more capable of recording it for history than our beloved Nona. She has done it again! Do not let me hold you any longer; leap right into the miraculous ministry of the twentieth century- Ethiopian style!
T. F. Tenney

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