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Keynote Speakers

                Bob Schieffer                                             Mike Abrashoff

       General Session I:                                           General Session II:

    “Politics and Getting                                            “Get Your Ship
         Things Done”                                                    Together”

    Emmy-winning Bob Schieffer is one of the nation's most        As the youngest commanding officer in the Pacific
    revered journalists of all time. With 58 years as a reporter  Fleet, Mike Abrashoff turned the USS Benfold
    and 46 years at CBS News, the former moderator of Face        from a ship with poor performance evaluations
    the Nation served as a steady on-air presence while other     to the top performing ship in the fleet within
    television personalities came and went. Before joining        12 months – using the same crew. People were
    CBS News, Bob was a reporter at the Fort Worth Star-          amazed and the lesson was clear – leadership
    Telegram and became the first reporter from a Texas           matters and culture is everything. Mike’s solution
    newspaper to report from Vietnam in 1965.                     was to establish a set of management principles
    Bob is one of the few journalists to have covered all four    that he calls The Leadership Roadmap. At the
    major beats in the nation’s capital – the White House,        core of his leadership approach on Benfold was
    the Pentagon, the State Department, and Capitol Hill.         a process of replacing command and control
    He has interviewed every president since Richard Nixon        with commitment and cohesion, and engaging
    and moderated the 2004, 2008, and 2012 presidential           the hearts, minds, and loyalties of workers with
    debates. He offers an insightful look at today’s political    conviction and humility.
    climate told through insider stories about the most           This experience led to the first of his three
    fascinating aspects of politics – how politicians operate     books, the million-copy-selling It’s Your Ship.
    behind the scenes.                                            Mike’s additional military experience includes
    Among his many accomplishments, Bob has authored              serving as the Military Assistant to Defense
    three books; was named a “Living Legend” by the               Secretary William Perry and assisting in the air
    Library of Congress; and has won virtually every award        defense plan for naval forces during the 1990
    in broadcast journalism, including eight Emmys, the           Persian Gulf conflict. He is also the founder of
    Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence, and the Edward          Aegis Performance Group, a consulting firm
    R. Murrow Award. He received an Emmy for lifetime             which works with and supports leaders and the
    achievement and was named“Broadcaster of the Year”by          challenges facing them and their organizations.
    the National Press Foundation. He was also inducted into      Mike and his team prompt leaders at all levels
    the Broadcasting/Cable Hall of Fame and the National          to re-imagine their leadership thinking and
    Academy of Arts and Sciences Hall of Fame. He feels           create new ways to elevate individual, team and
    his greatest honor was creating the Schieffer School of       organizational performance.
    Journalism at his alma mater, Texas Christian University.

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