Page 19 - How To Buy A Home In Louisville
P. 19

502-812-1969  /  info@rivervalleygroup .com  /   /  Keller Williams Louisville East

                Searching... (Continued)

                 Life changes:

                 Are you planning a family? Will your kids be moving out?


                 Do you want to live in the city, suburbs, country, or in a small town? How far are you willing to commute to
                 your job, to school, or to the grocery store? Where do you want your child to attend school?

                                                     The MLS System

                     The multiple listing service (MLS) is a database of every property in the Louisville area that is listed by a
                   Realtor®. Your agent has access to every other Realtor’s® listing information, so a buyer only needs one Real-
                   tor® because that one Realtor® can look up all the listings in all areas of Louisville, Jefferson County, Oldham
                           County, Bullitt County, Nelson County, Spencer County, and other surrounding counties.

                    While anyone can access the MLS database through, your agent can run very specific searches
                   on their computer that can make narrowing down the list easy. Houses can be filtered out based on the age
                      of the house, whether it is brick or siding, ranch style or two-story, and even the number of fireplaces.

                   Auto email: Ask your agent about signing up to be e-mailed every time a home that meets your needs comes
                            on the market. This FREE service checks the MLS for you everyday so you don’t have to!

                The River Valley Realty Group - How to Buy a Home in Louisville, Kentucky                17
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