Page 24 - How To Buy A Home In Louisville
P. 24

502-812-1969  /  info@rivervalleygroup .com  /   /  Keller Williams Louisville East

                Before You Make An Offer... (Continued)

                   5          Title Insurance

                              Your lender will require you to buy a title insurance policy. The lender and you both own your
                              home. Lenders’ Title insurance protects the lender in case someone makes a claim against
                              your home. You should also get Owner’s Title Insurance for additional coverage. It is a one time
                              fee that is paid at the closing. Ask yourself:

                                 ■  Do I want a survey to show where my yard ends? This is not required, but good to have
                                 so that you know your property lines. If there is a problem before closing, the seller cor-
                                 rects the problem. After closing, the buyer has to correct the problem.
                                 ■  Do I want an inspection for mold, radon, lead paint, septic, or structural engineer-
                                 ing? A general home inspector does not necessarily check for the following items.  If your
                                 home inspector will not be checking for these, you may need to call additional inspectors
                                 for your items of concern.

                                    MOLD           RADON            LEAD          SEPTIC       STRUCTURAL
                 What is it?    Organisms com-  A radioactive gas   A highly toxic metal   Treats and disperses  An expert qualified
                                monly found on   caused by the   that was used for   wastewater from   by education,  train-
                                AC units, carpets,   breakdown of  ura-  many years in the   the home using a   ing and experience
                                household potted   nium and radium.   paint. Also found in   four-component   in the behavior and
                                plants, etc. Easily    Invisible, odorless   dust and water. The   system: septic tank,   design of structure.
                                spread by walking,   and tasteless. Seeps  federal government   drain field, soil and
                                vacuuming, etc.   into homes via   banned the produc-  groundwater.
                                Usually seen as   cracks in walls or   tion of lead-based
                                discolorations.  floors, crawlspaces,   paint in 1978.

                 And why would   Can cause various   Exposure can cause   Can cause behavior   A malfunctioning   Inspector looks for
                 I care?        respiratory prob-  lung cancer.  problems, learning   system can   a stable foundation
                                lems and allergic              disabilities, difficult   contaminate your   and sound me-
                                symptoms.                      pregnancy, seizure,   drinking water.   chanical systems.
                                                               or death.      Replacement is very  Helps avoid costly
                                                                              costly. The septic   surprises in the
                                                                              system is the   future. This helps
                                                                              responsibility of the  to ensure  safety of
                                                                              homeowner.      home and family.

                The River Valley Realty Group - How to Buy a Home in Louisville, Kentucky                22
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