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                                    THE AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN SHANGHAI

          For over 100 years, AmCham Shanghai has been a dynamic and thriving business service organization dedicated to the success
          and growth of our members. From the smallest of start-ups to the largest global multinational corporations we provide a wealth
          of  programs,  services  and  resources  for  our  members  to  help  drive  their  businesses  forward.  Providing  a  return  on  your
          membership investment is at the forefront of all we do. We look forward to welcoming you as a new member soon.

          WHO WE ARE

                                                                      Staff Professional
                1,500+               103 Years                      Other                        Sr. Manager/Director

                                     Of Service
              Members                                           Manager

                   20                   3,000+

               Industry                  Total             Senior Executive
                                                           (CxO, VP, Country
            Committees                Members              Head)                                   General Manager/
                                                                                                   Managing Director

          WHAT WE DO

           Business    Events &   Government     Industry   U.S. Corporate   GPS         CEO          Trade &
          Resources   Networking    Affairs    Committees   Visa Program   Program   Advisory Series  Investment Center

              CSR     Marketing &    Professional   Career     Medical     University     Member      AmCham
                      Sponsorship   Development    Catalyst   Insurance     Briefings   Rewards Club    Plus

                               KNOWLEDGE      |      CONNECTIONS      |      ADVOCACY
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