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               MEDICAL INSURANCE

          The  Medical  Benefits  program  provides  quality  insurance  options   SENIOR         LOCAL STAFF
                                                                                LOCAL              MEDICAL
          exclusively  to  members.  Partnering  with  JLT  Essential,  the  program
          offers  an  innovative  new  approach  that  leverages  the  size  and   EXPATRIATE        LIFE
                                                                              MEDICAL             INSURANCE
          reputation of the AmCham Shanghai membership to provide access to
          insurance products at a significant discount. The program is designed to   AD&D         EMPLOYER
          be  flexible  and  meet  the  unique  needs  of  both  companies  and   INSURANCE        LIABILITY
          individuals.                                                         TRAVEL


          The University Briefing program provides students interested in international business the opportunity to gain insights on
          business operations and government policies from AmCham Shanghai’s senior staff as well as top level member company
          representatives. In addition to learning about AmCham Shanghai’s role in the U.S.—China business and policy realm they also
          learn about many other topics important to understanding the path to success for companies operating in China.

           China’s Political System   U.S.-China Relations   China’s Economic Landscape   Doing Business in China   Government Advocacy

            One Belt One Road    Made in China 2025   China Business Report   Briefings on Recent Events   China Industry Updates

               MEMBER REWARDS CLUB

          The  Member  Rewards  program  offers  our  AmCham  Shanghai  member
          companies the opportunity to share special promotions with all our members.
          This program provides great exposure for the participating companies as well
          as significant savings for all our card holding members on Bars & Restaurants,
          Hotels  &  Travel,  Business  &  Retail  Services,  Sports  &  Lifestyle,  Medical
          Services, Education, Online Shopping, Media, and more

               AMCHAM PLUS

          AmCham  Plus  extends  your  membership  reach  to  include    four
          other  AmChams  in  Greater  China.  In  addition  to  the  full  benefits
                                                                                                      HONG KONG
          from AmCham Shanghai you can also receive:
          •   Access the Membership Directory of all five chambers
          •   Publications,  notices,  business  intelligence  and  event
             invitations from across the region.
          •   Event access throughout Greater China at local member rates
             as  well  as  discounts  on  publications,  advertising  rates  and   Additional program fees apply for AmCham Plus
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