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          The AmCham Shanghai Board of Governors provides general oversight and strategic direction of the Chamber’s activities. The 11
          Governors are elected by voting members to staggered two-year terms. The Board has four officers: a Chair, two Vice Chairs and
          a Treasurer. The Chair serves a two-year term but other officers serve one-year terms. Two Honorary Governors are also
          appointed yearly from the U.S. Consulate General in Shanghai.

           OFFICERS                  GOVERNORS                 GOVERNORS                HONORARY GOVERNORS
           CHAIR                     Robert Abbanat            Grace Xiao               Nancy Leou
                                     CEO                       Head of External Engagement  Political and Economic Chief
           Eric Zheng
                                     International Learning Enterprises   UCB Trading  (Shanghai) Co. ,Ltd.   U.S. Consulate General Shanghai

           VICE CHAIR                David A. Basmajian        Helen Yang               Jonathan Heimer
           Eddie Chan                Director, Internal Comm.   Managing Director, Asia Pacific   Principal Commercial Officer
           Senior Vice President     Shanghai Disney Resort    DuPont China Holding Co., Ltd.   U.S. Consulate General Shanghai
           FedEx Express
           VICE CHAIR                Sarah Kochling            Simon Yang               BOARD COUNSEL
           Christine Lam             Managing Principal        President, Asia Pacific   Gentry Sayad
           CEO                       Shanghai Blossom Consulting Co.   APTIV
           Citibank (China) Co., Ltd.
           TREASURER                 Stephen M. Shafer
           Helen Hu                  VP Greater China Area & MD
                                     3M China Ltd.

          We hope you will consider joining our more than 1,500 corporate members and 3,000+ total members. Whether you own a
          small  business,  run  a  large  foreign  multinational  corporation  or  operate  a  Chinese  owned  company  we  have  membership
          options for you.

          Visit for more information and to meet the Membership team.

                                          The American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai
                              Shanghai Centre | Suite 568, 1376 Nanjing Road West | Shanghai 200040 China
                           Tel: (86 21) 6279 7119 | Fax: (86 21) 6279 7643 | Website:
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