Page 16 - ASSET MANAGER 10 (EN)
P. 16

-11.96% IN 2018
On the 31st of December, 2016 the multi-manager strategy with a capital of CHF 500 000 was launched, and as of the end of 2018, it has increased by 5.45 %.
Author: Roger Fromm, Founder, INVESTORY AG
The multi-manager strategy at INVESTORY suffered a loss of 11.96 % in 2018 . Individual strategies, as well as the stock markets, have developed different- ly. See pages 14/15.
The Analysts EU strategy ended on November 8, 2018 with a loss. Liquidity in euros was not reinvested until the end of the year and was parked in the account. That was the only adaptation to a core strategy in the past year, 2018. (Blue = core strategies)
Blue = five core strategies in EUR and CHF Orange = three theme strategies in USD Light blue = liquidity in EUR
There were no further adjustments to theme strategies in the fourth quarter. They remained the same for the three North American-focussed topics, 3D Technology, Digi- tal Transformation and Growth US. (Orange = theme strategies)
At the end of the year, the core strategies accounted for 62 % and the theme strategies 26.7 % of the overall multi-manager strategy. Consolidated liquidity across all the strategies was at the level of 54.4% as of December 31, 2018, reflecting a cautious position for financial year 2019 by financial experts.
The strategies on INVESTORY are always the real custody accounts of the financial experts. Thus, the Value Growth Strategie of Forster Investment has a one-to-one cor- respondence with the Wilfried Forster's personal portfolio, which is invested exclusively in stocks (see more on page 22).
With INVESTORY, investors can invest in various strate- gies from a dozen excellent financial experts. INVESTO- RY makes these strategies available to the following five custodian banks: Strateo Bank, Cornertrader, Bank zweiplus, Zuger Kantonalbank and VP Bank.
If the financial expert buys or sells a share, the transaction is proportionally implemented for all the investors who fol- low this strategy. Thus, the investor has exactly the same securities in his portfolio as the expert does. Therefore, our investors have full transparency at all times and see each individual position in their portfolios. When mirroring a transaction to the investor, clearly, INVESTORY must proportionally adjust the size of the position to the inves-
    3D-Technologie USD 9.1%
Growth-US 6.3%
Digital Transformation US 11.3%
Swiss Momentum-CH 11.7%
Trading TSO-CH 21.3%
Value-Growth Strategie 12.9%
  Cash in EUR 11.4%
Dividend-EU 16.0%

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