Page 34 - 2018-2019_Spotlight
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         Recycling Awards

                                                                                This newsletter is produced by the
                                                                                School Energy and Recycling Team (SERT)
                                                                                program and distributed to school-based
         IN OUR JANUARY ISSUE,  we explained how the structure of
                                                                                SERT leaders and teams, building service
         the SERT recycling awards has changed, and announced the first
                                                                                personnel, and others who are interested
         winners of the new quarterly awards.
                                                                                in conservation and sustainability.
         We’re pleased to report that for the second quarter of the 2018–
                                                                                As part of the Montgomery County Public
         2019 academic year (December–February), the average pounds per
                                                                                Schools Department of Facilities
         person (PPP) recycled in our elementary schools was 5.62, middle
                                                                                Management, the SERT program provides
         schools averaged 4.29 PPP, and high schools achieved 2.74 PPP.
                                                                                opportunities for all schools to participate
         We thank our students and staff for their remarkable recycling         and receive incentives and recognition for
         efforts throughout the quarter and applaud the top 25 schools (15      their energy conservation and recycling
         elementary, 5 middle, and 5 high) listed below for earning a recycling   efforts.
         award for the second quarter.
                                                                                The SERT program supports a balanced
            TOP 15 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS:                                          environment for the integration of all
                Belmont Elementary School                                       students to work together in a culturally
                Cold Spring Elementary School                                   diverse environment. Our goal is to
                Damascus Elementary School                                      provide the resources, support, and vision
                Germantown Elementary School                                    of the future for a successful conservation
                Glen Haven Elementary School                                    program at each school. Promoting the
                Glenallan Elementary School                                     connections between human behavior
                Highland View Elementary School                                 and its impact on the environment
                Laytonsville Elementary School                                  reinforces our culture of conservation and
                Monocacy Elementary School                                      increases participation in our mission to
                New Hampshire Estates Elementary School                         conserve resources and recycle actively.
                Oak View Elementary School
                Sequoyah Elementary School
                Sligo Creek Elementary School
                Travilah Elementary School
                Westbrook Elementary School
            TOP 5 MIDDLE SCHOOLS:

                John T. Baker Middle School
                Gaithersburg Middle School
                Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School                              SERT PROGRAM
                Redland Middle School                                            Montgomery County Public Schools
                Rocky Hill Middle School                                        Department of Facilities Management
                                                                                    45 W. Gude Drive, Suite 4000
            TOP 5 HIGH SCHOOLS:
                                                                                         Rockville, MD 20850
                Albert Einstein High School                                
                Northwood High School                                                    Main: 240.314.1090
                Quince Orchard High School                                                Fax: 301.279.3005
                Seneca Valley High School                                       
                Sherwood High School                                                          @MCPSsert

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