Page 42 - 2018-2019_Spotlight
P. 42


         Get Ready for June’s “Got Paper?” Contest

         WITH PROPER PAPER RECYCLING, your school has the opportunity to          CONTEST DETAILS
         win a SERT recycling reward for the annual GOT PAPER? contest. All MCPS
         elementary, middle, and high schools are automatically qualified to
                                                                                    The GOT PAPER? contest
         participate in the contest which runs the entire month of June.
                                                                                     is open to all MCPS elementary,
         You don’t need to do anything special — just recycle your paper products as   middle, and high schools.
         normal. Our recycling hauler weighs the dumpsters when they’re serviced     The contest runs from June 1,
         and provides SERT with the data so there’s no need for you to worry about
                                                                                     2019 through June 30, 2019.
         weight. Just keep filling  your dumpsters up with paper recyclables!
                                                                                    Only mixed paper that has been
         PLEASE KEEP THE FOLLOWING IN MIND —                                         placed in the paper dumpster

           Recycle all types of paper including spiral notebooks, composition books,  will be weighed and count
            magazines, colored paper, paper bulletin board decorations, theme        toward  your school’s total
            paper, used copier paper, and flattened cardboard boxes.                 weight.
           Place additional recycling bins in hallways, around lockers, and in     Mixed paper dumpsters  must
            classrooms to capture all recyclables.                                   not be contaminated with trash
                                                                                     or plastic bags.
           Place trash bins next to recycling bins to avoid contamination in
            the recycling bins.                                                     One elementary, middle, and
                                                                                     high school with the greatest
           Empty recycling bins as frequently as needed.
                                                                                     pounds per person (PPP) will win
           Make morning announcements reminding students and teachers               a SERT award.
            to recycle.                                                             Contest winners will be
           Remember to keep your dumpsters locked to avoid contamination.           announced in August.

           If your dumpsters are nearly full, call Mr. John Meyer (240-277-3285)    Contest awards will be
            to request additional pick ups. Keep in mind that the scheduling of an   transferred directly into
            extra pickup takes 24 hours, so please call before your dumpsters are    the building service supply
            completely full.                                                         accounts of the winning schools.

                                                                                    If you have questions or concerns
                                                                                     about recycling at your school,
                                                                                     call 240-277-3285 or send an
                                                                                     email to

                                                                                   RECYCLE WISELY!

                                                                              Make sure you know which items to
                                                                                  put in your mixed paper bin.
                                                                                 Click the image to learn more.

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