Page 17 - 2016-2017_Spotlight_flip
P. 17

ith Old Man Winter already blasting us with freezing and below-
                     freezing temperatures, we know that snow is on its way. Schools
                     have begun to receive their salt and sand deliveries and we
         understand that you may be tempted to use your recycling bins for salt and
         sand. After all, the bins are the perfect size and the dollies make life so much
         However, do not to use your recycling bins and dollies for this purpose. One
         reason is that recycling bins are for recycling only. It’s just that simple.
         Montgomery County mandates that our schools recycle all mixed paper and
         commingled items. We must recycle—it’s not optional. SERT has provided
         each school with an appropriate number of recycling bins, so using recycling
         bins for other purposes means that you will not have adequate bins for your
         school’s recycling. The second reason is that the recycling bins are not made
         to handle the weight of material that’s heavier than paper and plastic. They
         will crack after they’ve been frozen and they will bend or break when filled
         with extremely heavy items. The wheels on the dollies are not made to
         withstand the weight of salt and sand so they will buckle and break, and
         replacing them is quite expensive.
                                                                                   Remember that your recycling bins
         The other winter weather-related issue has to do with the snow itself. When    should never be used for
         your parking lots get plowed, please make sure that the snow doesn’t get    anything other than recycling!
         piled up around the recycling dumpsters. It is vitally important that you keep
         a clean path around both the mixed paper and commingled items dumpsters
         to ensure that our recycling hauler can service them on your school’s
                                                                                  Finally, please remember to keep
         scheduled pick up day. (Visit our website to see the systemwide pick up
                                                                                  your dumpsters locked at all times.
                                                                                  This is important because if one
                                                                                  dumpster is contaminated with trash,
                                                                                  and that trash goes into the hauler’s
                                                                                  truck, MCPS could lost up to five tons
                                                                                  of recycled material from approxi-
                                                                                  mately  30 schools. Please don’t let
                                                                                  your dumpster be the reason we all

                                                                                      Always keep the area around
                                                                                   your dumpsters clear so the hauler
                                                                                     can service them on safely and
                                                                                             on schedule.

                                                                                                     JANUARY 2017
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