Page 15 - 2016-2017_Spotlight_flip
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                                                                                        IN THIS ISSUE:

                                                                                      It’s time to Lead by Example.
                                                                                     What does that mean, exactly?
                                                                                     Why do we keep reminding you
                                                                                      to shut everything down for
          2017 Lead by Example Campaign                                               holidays and long weekends?
             OUR PATHWAYS TO ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY                                   Recycling

                                                                                      We hate to remind you, but
        DID YOU KNOW that the School Energy and Recycling Team (SERT)                 your job does become more

        program monitors the energy use in all Montgomery County Public Schools          difficult in the winter.
        (MCPS)? Through your efforts, energy consumption can be greatly reduced                T
                                                                                             the Team
        and recycling can be increased systemwide.
                                                                                   Congratulations to the school teams
        All secondary schools have an opportunity to create a model resource          that have a perfect checklist
        conservation plan to include energy conservation and responsible recycling      submission score!
        projects/initiatives towards a sustainable future. SERT invites all MCPS middle
        and high schools to participate in the LEAD BY EXAMPLE campaign reinforcing
        a culture of conservation and sustainability.

        Proven projects/initiatives will be highlighted in SERT’s Best Management
        Practices manual, an online resource with helpful conservation strategies and
        expectations for efficient building use and operations. Entries may include
        behavioral strategies, energy-efficiency projects, and awareness campaigns.
        All submissions should demonstrate the effectiveness of each project by
        creating a plan and measuring results. The questions “What will we do?” and
        “How will we do it?” must be answered.

        SERT awards will be granted to the winning middle and high school, and all
        participants will receive a certificate for their entry. Students may also earn
        SSL hours for participating in this campaign. See page 4 for more campaign
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