Page 24 - 2016-2017_Spotlight_flip
P. 24

Saturday, March 25   8:30-9:30 p.m.

                                                                                  WINTER is almost over, and soon
        Once we become aware of how many lights we’re using, and how much
                                                                                  we’ll be enjoying the beautiful sun-
        energy we’re consuming on a regular basis, we can then change the way we
                                                                                  drenched days that provide the
        live and work. When we realize that we don’t really need to have the entire
                                                                                  perfect opportunity to take advantage
        classroom lit when we’re working in the room alone, we get a LED task lamp
                                                                                  of natural lighting. Take the time to
        for our desk and start saving energy. When we notice that it’s easier to see the
                                                                                  look for areas in your school that could
        Promethean Boards and televisions when they’re not surrounded by overhead
                                                                                  be delamped. Look at corners and
        light, we delamp those areas and start to save energy. When we observe Earth
                                                                                  areas near windows and doors. Do
        Hour, we might realize that we don’t need to have multiple lights on in our
                                                                                  they need to be lit? Spaces that
        homes, and we might just modify our behavior and start saving energy. When
                                                                                  include computer workstations,
        we’re cleaning the school at night, perhaps we’ll only turn the lights on in the
                                                                                  televisions or Promethean Boards are
        one area we’re in. When we each make a conscious choice to conserve energy
                                                                                  also excellent areas to delamp. If
        every day, we start to make a huge difference the amount we use systemwide.
                                                                                  you’re unsure about the guidelines for
        Conservation isn’t a new concept for MCPS.                                specific foot-candle requirements, ask
                                                                                  your SERT facilitator to help you make
        Montgomery County Public School’s (MCPS) commitment to responsible
                                                                                  an assessment of your school. Schools
        environmental stewardship spans more than 35 years, dating back to the
                                                                                  under warranty cannot be delamped.
        1970s when our first energy policy and program took shape. Since then, we
        have become a national leader in sustainability and environmental         Another way to save energy is to
        stewardship. The U.S. Department of Education (DOE) has recognized seven of   utilize your blinds. On sunny but cold
        our schools with the National Green Ribbon School Award since the inaugural   days, open them to take advantage of
        year of 2012. In 2013, MCPS was recognized with the District Sustainability   natural light and let the sun provide
        Award by the DOE. These awards reflect the outcome of tremendous          heat. On hot days, close blinds or
        collaboration across our many offices, departments, and schools to create   angle them toward the ceiling to
        successful programs and best practices in sustainability.                 reflect light.

        Engaged students, staff, local partners, and                              Finally, make sure that your school has
        community members develop and enhance                                     been properly shut down for Spring
        environmental sustainability and stewardship within                       Break. We often remind you that
        MCPS through a variety of venues and initiatives.                         nearly 35 percent of your school’s
        MCPS continues to embrace a culture of                                    electricity use comes from lighting.
        environmental sustainability that deeply permeates                        Imagine how much energy would be
        our schools and the organization as a whole, and we                       wasted if the lights in just one
        thank you for being part of that culture. Visit                           classroom in each MCPS school were to find great suggestions for celebrating the event and to   left on for the 10-day period! Careful
        learn about how you can get more involved.                                checks will keep that from happening.

                                                                                  The easiest thing to remember is also
           Spend 60 Minutes Celebrating the Earth,                                the simplest thing to do: If you’re not
              and a Lifetime Choosing to Conserve.                                actively using something, turn it off!
         MARCH 2017
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