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P. 27
APRIL 2017
Last month we talked about
EACH YEAR ON APRIL 22, people around the world celebrate Earth Day,
Earth Hour. This month the focus
focusing on the planet’s environment and holding activities to raise public
is on Earth Day. Why do we care
awareness about the negative effects pollution has on Mother Earth.
so much about the planet?
The idea for Earth Day was proposed by Senator Gaylord Nelson who had Quite simply, because we must!
witnessed the damage caused by a massive oil spill in 1969. Nelson was
inspired by student involvement in the anti-Vietnam War movement and Renewable Energy
realized that if that same energy were focused on the environment, change Wind power, solar power,
would take place. In 1970, his staff of 85 concerned citizens organized a geothermal energy, hydroelectric
national “teach-in” that focused on educating the public about the power, and biomass are the main
environment. They were able to convince 20 million people across the United forms of renewable energy. MCPS
States to participate in protests, rallies, and other public events on April 22, purchases all of these renewables,
1970 to raise awareness about the environment and find ways to protect the and we also produce solar energy.
planet. By 1990, the event had gone global with 200 million people in 141 R
countries participating. To celebrate its 40 anniversary, the Earth Day Recycling
Network launched a campaign in 2010 to plant 1 billion trees—a feat that was Spring has sprung, and that means
accomplished in 2012. that there are specific things that you
need to remember about your
Through the years, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) has made
dumpsters and yard waste.
intentional, environmentally-friendly decisions in the areas of building
construction and maintenance, resource conservation, transportation, T
Team Activities
materials and waste cycles, and information technology. MCPS continues to be
It’s almost time for MAEOE’s annual
a leader in green and healthy-schools initiatives and integrates environmental
youth summit. Do you know of a
literacy into the curriculum at all grade levels. Those who support Earth Day
student who’d be a great keynote
understand that awareness and education are foundations for progress. This is
speaker? Have them apply!
why we promote Earth Day within our MCPS system. Some schools will hold
special assemblies or have school spirit weeks that focus on Earth Day while Also, make sure to get those WATTS
others will host community cleanup activities. These actions not only help us UP? posters submitted by May 1.
make our earth a better place to live, they also teach our students to be
responsible environmental stewards and future leaders.
“Our air, water, soil, forests, oceans, rivers, lakes,
scenic beauty, wildlife habitat, minerals,
that is the wealth of the country.”
~Gaylord Nelson