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The SERT program is proud to announce the winners of the 2015-16 Annual
         Recycling Award. SERT would like to thank all students and staff for their   Election Day = Recycling Day
         outstanding recycling efforts throughout the year, and applaud their
         commitment to conservation and sustainability.                            On Tuesday, November 8th,

         Congratulations to the following schools:                                 171 of our schools/facilities will be
                                                                                   used as polling sites. This means
                Arcola ES                     Col. E. Brooke Lee MS
                Bel Pre ES                    JoAnn Leleck ES (Broad Acres)        that there will be lots of extra
                Belmont ES                    Little Bennett ES                    paper, bottles and trash onsite. In
                Brooke Grove ES               Mill Creek Towne ES                  order to increase recycling, please
                Cannon Road ES                Montgomery Village MS                follow these tips:
                Cedar Grove ES                New Hampshire Estates ES
                Roberto Clemente MS           Roscoe Nix ES                         Temporarily relocate recycling
                Clopper Mill ES               Oak View ES
                Damascus HS                   Oakland Terrace ES                       bins from classrooms or other
                Eastern MS                    William Tyler Page ES                    areas of the school to create
                Edison School of Technology   Pine Crest ES                            centralized recycling stations,
                Albert Einstein HS            Dr. Sally K. Ride ES                     as shown in the photo below.
                William H. Farquhar MS        Rock Creek Valley ES
                Forest Oak MS                 Lois P. Rockwell ES
                Gaithersburg MS               Sequoyah ES
                Galway ES                     Seneca Valley HS
                Germantown ES                 South Lake ES
                Goshen ES                     Strathmore ES
                Highland ES                   Summit Hall ES
                Kemp Mill ES                  Viers Mill ES
                John F. Kennedy HS            Weller Road ES
                Francis Scott Key MS          Westover ES
                Laytonsville ES                                                     Set up a minimum of four
                                                                                       centralized trash stations in
      It’s easy to recycle leaves and other yard waste!                                the election room.

      Always put all yard waste in                                                  Set up a minimum of two
                                                                                       centralized stations in the
           clear plastic bags.
                                                                                       hallway leading to the election

      Set aside the yard waste in                                                      room.
          the bulk trash area.                                                      Increase the number of
                                                                                       stations if you’re in a large
        Use MAXIMO to place a                                                          school or expect to have a
         work order requesting                                                         large turnout of voters.
            a special pick up.
                                                                                    Empty all bins every hour
                                                                                       throughout the day.
           Pat yourself on the
            back for obeying                                                        Contact John Meyer, recycling
         Montgomery County’s                                                           manager, if you have any
             mandatory law                                                             questions, or if you need
              for recycling!                                                           assistance with set up.
                                                                                                     OCTOBER 2016
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