Page 25 - The Younger Odyssey
P. 25

 Blending Poetry with Cole,s Words
 June 3, 2012
I guess I shouldn’t Ever question
A world that I Have not lived in
For a quarter of A century But it’s very hard For me to see
Why when a woman Does wrong it’s called shame But when a man does Wrong it’s not the same
When a man does wrong It’s called misfortune But it’s called disgrace If you’re a woman
When women honored
Me with their presence They truly won my heart During my sentence
In everything They had to say They brought Jesus in a humble way
These ladies shined with a Radiance of their own Illuminating love
Like I’ve never known
1 Corinthians Chapter 13, Verse 8.
May 28, 2012
In his book Cole said He now understood The power of God Through motherhood
Cole said his mother Was his altar His divinity
His guiding star
He said he recalled her Words in prison even yet When his constant companions Were sorrow and regret
In his darkest hours He could hear her call Through Jesus Cole you Can recover all
Yes it helped Cole to
See all of those times Though he sinned God would Forgive all his crimes
Bursheba Younger Your words got through Cole’s testimony Bears witness it’s true
In prison Cole said He now understood The power of God Through motherhood
Proverbs Chapter 2.
Love never fails.
Oh son of my womb. Hear my words.

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