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DNP General Exam conduct WEBEX
Monday, April 20, 2020 2:49 PM
Test Run
It only takes a few minutes but really does put the students at ease.
• I usually email the student a few days before they are presenting to see if they
are more comfortable if we schedule a test run.
• Find a mutually agreeable time and send them a WEBEX invite.
• Then I walk them through signing into their powerpoint.
General Exam Webex
1. I usually sign on 10 minutes before the scheduled time and I tell the student that I will be online early if they want to come on early to get things set up.
2. Student will be able to Share their screen with the attendees
3. Once the student has signed on I make the student the presenter – Drag bubble to student
4. Once the Major Advisor has signed on I make them the host so that I can leave the WEBEX right
click person who should be made HOST and change their role.{7769f2b1-1a57-495e-95a5-1affb1fa9bb5}&action=edit&wd=target%28DNP Gen... 1/1

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