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DNP Terminology
Tuesday, April 21, 2020 12:12 PM
DNP General Exams are called exactly that, General Exams
• They require 2 forms – Report of General Exam Doctoral and General Exam Grading Rubric
DNP Final Exams are called "Project Presentations". They also require 2 forms. The Report of Final Exam and Grading Rubric
DNP committee consists of a Major Advisor, and Associate Advisor and a Mentor
Q drive
• Student records are filed under either:
○ Q:\Nursing\Faculty\Student Records\Student Records_DNP
○ Q:\Nursing\Faculty\Student Records\Student Records_BS-DNP
• There is also a folder on the Q drive under Q:\Nursing\Faculty\Doctoral Program Forms and
Other. This folder contains information such as the Student Handbook which outlines most of the student and office requirements{7769f2b1-1a57-495e-95a5-1affb1fa9bb5}&action=edit&wd=target%28Terminolo... 1/1

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