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DNP General Exam Preparation - WEBEX
Monday, April 20, 2020 2:24 PM
1. Joy Elwell will email or send a listing of General Exams that need to be set up. a. It will include the date, time, and attendees that need to be invited
2. Sign into WEBEX and schedule the event
3. Invite the people she notified you to include, being sure to include the student who will be
4. Each of the attendees will respond that they accepted the invitation but even if they don't they
can still sign into the WEBEX
5. Complete these forms and send to each of the faculty attendees before the exam, not the
student. Be sure to use Adobe Acrobat or the form will not save the data you enter into the form
a. Report of General Exam – Doctoral content/uploads/sites/1604/2018/02/Report-on-General-Exam-Doctoral.pdf
b. General Exam Rubric content/uploads/sites/939/2018/01/DNP-General-Exam-Grading-Rubric-2017-2018-.pdf
You must save these forms locally so that you can open them with Adobe Acrobat, make necessary changes below and save again locally. If you don't open the form that way your changes will not be saved.
6. Report of General Exam – Doctoral – Enter the following information and save locally. I create a separate folder in my School of Nursing Folder so that I can store all materials for that student together.
a. Name
b. Phone I don't fill that in
c. Student ID – you probably will have access to Peoplesoft to look that up. I didn't, so I'd
either work from lists provided by Joy or I'd ask the student for their student id number. In
the student folder on the Q drive are documents that may include the PS id number also.
d. NETID – I get from the online UConn Phone book or again you can ask the student for it
e. Email – from UConn Phone book (be sure to click include students)
f. Field of Study – DNP – School of Nursing
g. Date Given – the date you scheduled the WEBEX
h. Faculty Members – List the names of those Joy told you would be attending
i. Major Advisor – That you will have to get from Joy's email or list she provided
j. Associate Advisor (Mentor)– only 1 for DNP General Exams – also provided in email or list
7. Rubric – I just send the blank document to them before the exam.
8. Send the locally saved forms to the Major Advisor and all committee members before the General
9. Once it's completed they need to send you back the signed forms. I will go into signatures in a
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