Page 117 - Hi-Fi_News_-_December_2020 video
P. 117

New DragonFlys!

                                                                                  £89 Black & £169 Red
                                                  YOUR VIEWS
                                                                                  Powerful, Immersive
                                                                                  Sound fromComputers
           Generation gap                                                         and Mobile Devices!


           The review of the Quad Vena II Play   platform has no native support for
           amplifi er/DAC [HFN May ’20] made   services like Qobuz. The only way
           no mention of whether or not DTS   you would be able to access it would
           Play-Fi supports gapless playback.   be by using Chromecast, which also
           I decided to check the current state   does not support gapless playback
           of play (no pun intended) for myself   unless, of course, you are using it via
           and went to the Play-Fi website.   Roon. I checked with Primare itself,
           The latest update says that as yet,   and the company confi rmed this.
           gapless playback is not available. It         Paul Regeli, via email
           is somewhere on the agenda with no
           timeline or date for implementation.   Andrew Everard replies: I find it amazing

             Perhaps even more extraordinary,   that this long-running problem hasn’t
           a ‘bonus’ feature is being offered in   been sorted by now. As a classical music
           beta form to allow BubbleUPnP to be   listener, I find the gaps between sections

           used – albeit with limitations – so that   of an opera or oratorio, which should fl ow
           the streamer can be operated as a   into each other, to be intensely irritating.
           renderer without streaming through   The old excuse is that such systems are
           a phone or tablet. So the DTS idea   mainly listened to by those who play
           of a bonus feature is to allow the use   ‘songs’, and not whole classical works,
           of a third-party app to overcome the   but that really doesn’t hold up either. After
           limitations of its own software.  all, try listening to a dance mix, and those
             Scarcely able to believe what I was   gaps render it just as annoying too.
           reading, I contacted Quad and the   No, DTS Play-Fi still doesn’t support
           engineer to whom I spoke confi rmed   gapless playback, not even in its latest   Four years ago, AudioQuest shook the
           this was the case. He suggested   ‘Quality of Life Improvements’, but there’s   hi-fi world with our first DragonFly
           that I phone back in a month or so.   perhaps better news regarding Primare.   DAC–Preamp–Headphone Amp—the
           This I did, to be told that nothing had   While at the moment Qobuz gapless is   rare audio product that brought more
           changed. As an aside, I believe that   supported in AirPlay, but not Chromecast,   compelling sound to all  music lovers,
           Play-Fi is not Roon compatible.  the company points out that ‘We are   playing high-res files to MP3s on per-
             I suspect that much of the current   currently in discussion with Qobuz   fectionist systems and modest laptops.
           trouble with Play-Fi is that it was   regarding the adoption of their Connect
           designed for consumers having   platform, in part to provide gapless   Now, the new DragonFly Black and
           multiple devices dotted around the   and resolution up to 192kHz/24-bit’, but   DragonFly Red exceed their prede-
           home, with multiple tablets or phones   cautions that it ‘can’t be sure when we   cessor in every way,  delivering more
           in use by a number of different family   might be able to offer that (maybe around   beautiful music, boasting software
           members at the same time. As a   the time Qobuz is available in Sweden)’.  upgradability, and providing compat-

           purist hi-fi application, in my opinion   It adds that ‘with Roon, either using   ibility with Android  and Apple iOS
           at least, it fails. The other solutions I   Chromecast built-in as endpoint (again   mobile devices.
           have tried run rings around it.   96kHz/24-bit) or soon with the pending
             While on the subject of reviews,   Roon Ready update (192kHz/24-bit), you   While Black offers more clarity, depth
           you have not mentioned in your   will be able to play Qobuz gapless, along   and category-defining value than ever
           recent tests of Primare products   with the many other features Roon media   before, the take-no-prisoners Red pro-
           incorporating Prisma that this   management software provides’.        vides even more finesse, resolution,
                                                                                  torque and more than enough pow-
                                                                                  er to drive even the most demanding
                                                                                  The word  is out: DigitalAudioReview.
                                                                                  net’s  John Darko calls DragonFly Red
                                                                                  and Black “the finest examples of ev-
                                                                                  eryman hifi to ever grace these pages.
                                                                                  Their value quotients explode the dial.”
                                                                                  Let the joyful experience begin!

           ABOVE: Quad’s Vena II Play supports hi-res streaming over a home network via DTS Play-Fi

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