Page 114 - Hi-Fi_News_-_December_2020 video
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Send in your views to:
                                                                                        Sound Off, Hi-Fi News, AVTech Media Ltd,
                                                                           Suite 25, Eden House, Enterprise Way, Edenbridge, Kent TN8 6HF
            YOUR VIEWS                                                               or email your views to: letters@hifi –
                                                                                       please use ‘Sound Off’ in your subject fi eld

                                                                       Gaining ground

                                                                       HELP SOUGHT WITH ERADICATING TONEARM HUM
           Correspondents express their own opinions, not those of Hi-Fi News. We reserve the right to edit letters for publication.
           Correspondents using e-mail are asked to give their full postal address (which won’t be published). Letters seeking advice   I have a Roksan Xerxes 20 Plus turntable and
           will be answered in print on our Sound Off pages, but due to time constraints we regret we’re unable to answer questions on   when I use a Rega RB2000 arm I hear a terrible

           buying items of hi-fi or any other hi-fi queries by telephone, post or via e-mail.

                                                                       hum. I did use a Roksan Tabriz Zi tonearm, but I
                                                                       couldn’t get on with the counterbalance, fi nding it
          NEW AMPS FOR OLD?                                            ‘wobbly’. It had a grounding lead, though, which
                                                                       I connected to my Acoustic Masterpiece AM-201

          EXPLORING OPTIONS FOR VINYL-BASED SET-UP                     amplifier. The Rega has no such lead. So from
                                                                       ‘where to where’ should I ground the Rega?
          My EAR Yoshino 834P phono stage   ignore the balance control issue?               Dr Raz Shankar, via email
          has gone away to be serviced after   After all, I am very much a fan of
          14 years’ use and this has led me   Tim de Paravicini and his products.   Steve Harris replies: Rega arms are grounded via the
          to think about perhaps changing   My musical tastes have not moved   lefthand signal connector, and don’t have or need a
          my amplification as a whole. My   much since the ’70s, so think   separate ground wire. If the cartridge is connected

          set-up is 100% vinyl based and   Steely Dan and early Van Morrison   correctly, there shouldn’t be any hum. If there is, it may
          I use a 35-year-old Linn Sondek   and you won’t go far wrong. Keep   mean the turntable needs grounding but if this creates
          LP12 turntable with an Ittok arm   up the good work everyone!  a ground loop this will make the hum worse. The
          of the same generation. This is         lan Pickering, via email  Xerxes 20 Plus is mainly made of wood but there is an
          currently equipped with an ART9                              earthing strip underneath which connects the main
          cartridge from Audio-Technica.  Ken Kessler replies: As most readers   bearing to the arm mounting point. But as the newer
            The deck is an old friend and is   will know, I’m an avid Audio Research   Rega arms use a three-point fixing instead of the old

          going nowhere, as is the pick-up,   user and have depended on the   large thread and nut, this may not be making contact.
          but the tonearm is showing its age   company’s ‘REF’ series preamps for   Says Simon Webster of Rega: ‘On the rare occasion
          (failing bias) and is likely to be   years. So, if I were in Mr Pickering’s   we come across this scenario it is usually caused by
          replaced soon with an Audiomods   position, I would opt for the line-level   an amplifier with an unusual design or a phono stage

          Series 6 arm – if this sounds as   REF 5 [HFN Jan ’10] or 5SE, which   that has its earth on the righthand channel or a fl oating
          good as it looks. This combination   has depreciated to less than half   earth. We can provide a custom arm lead with a
          feeds a pair of Quad II-eighty   its original retail price, with used   separate earth which can solve such issues.’
          monoblocks via the 834P with   examples now increasingly plentiful
          Harbeth 30.1 speakers at the front.   thanks to the recent launch of the REF
            My challenge is that I would   6SE [full review next month].  WhitWorld
          like a preamp with a balance    I would also stick with the serviced
          control, and a vintage or classic   EAR 834P, which remains a gem of a   OUR HI-FI WORLD THROUGH THE EYES OF WHITWORTH
          model at that. Candidates include   phono stage. He should consider, too,
          a Hovland HP100 in-line model,   any of the Audio Research LS series
          perhaps fed by a solid-state Pathos   models, EAR’s magnificent 912, the

          InTheGroove MkII phono stage   Luxman CL-series preamps, and the
          [HFN Nov ’12]. How would a mix of   reissued McIntosh C22.
          valves and solid-state sound?   Whether or not the preamps he
            Also in the frame could be   considers also have built-in phono
          the Quad QC24 preamp and 24P   stages is secondary, as the 834P is a
          phono stage [HFN Jul ’10]. Or do   keeper, and it gives him the option of
          I just save up my money and buy   changing phono stages or running two
          a EAR Yoshino 868PL preamp and   turntables. And I’d stick with valves!

          ABOVE: The Audio Research Reference 5 all-valve line level preamplifi er

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