Page 111 - Hi-Fi_News_-_December_2020 video
P. 111


                            Steve Harris

                            Steve Harris edited Hi-Fi News between 1986 and 2005. He loves jazz, blues music,

                            vinyl and vintage hi-fi and anything that makes good music come to life
           Speakers cornered

           The 2010 encounter with the Lowther speaker set-up in a former Hi-Fi News editor’s old house
           was a memorable one for Steve Harris, who recalls the company’s history and personalities

                  ow well I remember the fi rst
                  time, in the mid 1980s, that I
                  heard a Lowther speaker. Then,
           Hhorn-loaded loudspeakers
           seemed mostly a quirky anachronism
           – appropriate, to earlier times when
           amplifier power was limited, but

           irrelevant now that you could have as
           many watts as you needed. And the work
           of audio pioneer Paul Voigt, which was
           the foundation of the Lowther speaker
           concept, had been all but forgotten.
             In the 1930s, Voigt collaborated with
           OP Lowther to offer Voigt speakers with
           Lowther’s amplifiers. After World War 2,

           Donald Chave, who’d been Lowther’s
           chief engineer, took over the Lowther
           company, while Voigt, in poor health   ABOVE: John Howes stands next to an original Voigt corner horn (left) and one of the vintage
           and fed up with conditions in the UK,   Voigt corner horns in the home of the late David Khan, who bought the house from John Crabbe
           emigrated to Canada in 1950.
                                             Lowther in the mid-1950s, when it was   writing to me. He concluded one of his
           REVELATORY SOUNDS                 still being used as a testbed for drivers,   letters, in which the “i” had broken off
           There was then an agreement that   and went on to acquire several.   his typewriter, by soldiering on and fi lling
           Lowther could continue to sell Voigt’s   In 1969, he’d got Voigt’s address in   them all in by hand…’
           Domestic corner horn as well as building   Canada from Companies House, and had
           drive units under Voigt’s patents. But   written to him. ‘It was a bit of a fan letter,’   TWO AND SIX
           inevitably, Chave developed his own   David said, ‘I explained that I’d collected   David’s experience seems to echo that
           Lowther speaker models and the Voigt   three of his loudspeakers, and how   of the American horn speaker expert
           horn was all but forgotten.                   wonderful I found them.’  Bruce Edgar. In early 1981, having

             I first had a chance                           Voigt replied and   corresponded with Voigt and tried to
           to listen at length to the   ‘He utilised     the correspondence    set up an interview for the DIY quarterly
           Domestic corner horn                          continued. ‘I would write   Speaker Builder, Edgar received a letter
           when I met the late David  John Crabbe’s      him fairly short letters,   from Ida Voigt informing him that her
           Khan [‘Hi-Fi @ Home’,   horns as bass         begging answers to    husband had died suddenly. But Edgar
           HFN Jun ’10]. This was                        questions. And he would   already had enough material to put
           a revelatory experience   extenders’          reply, page after page of   together the ‘pseudo interview’ that ran
           compared with my fi rst                        detailed accounts of his   in the magazine’s last two issues of 1981.
           Lowther encounters.                           experiences, and his new   Here in the UK, Voigt’s work is much
             It was David who, in 1978, bought   ideas about gravity. Which were what   more known and appreciated than it
           ex-HFN editor John Crabbe’s house,   was now preoccupying him! I was asking   was then, thanks in great part to John
           complete with a pair of built-in bass   him about the latest developments in   Howes and his Lowther Voigt museum.
           horns, running from ceiling to fl oor. Later,   audio, but he’d given up audio.   Meanwhile, the Lowther brand is active
           with the help of John Howes, organiser of   ‘He explained the circumstances of   again, thanks to its new owner Martin
           the Audiojumble, he successfully utilised   his ill-health, his emigration to Canada   Thornton in Northamptonshire.
           those Crabbe horns as bass extenders for   and the problems that he had there,   And things have certainly changed
           a pair of Quad ESL63 loudspeakers.   which completely changed his plans.   since that far-off day when a schoolboy
             At the other end of the room, though,   The original drive units and horns that   David Khan trekked to Bromley and paid
           he still had his Voigt corner horns. He’d   he had planned for Canada, I think, were   half-a-crown for a set of plans to build his

           first heard one by chance on a visit to   still in their packing cases when he was   first Lowther Acousta.

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