Page 107 - Hi-Fi_News_-_December_2020 video
P. 107
Andrew Everard
Andrew Everard has reviewed consumer electronics for over 30 years and is still
effortlessly enthusiastic about new developments, discovering new kit – and music
On objectivity
Yes, measurements will tell you how a product is performing, and help predict how it’s going to
sound – but Andrew Everard says our emotional reaction to a system is a different matter
ant to keep your blood RIGHT: As debates
pressure in check? One rage online between
simple piece of advice the objective and
W – steer clear of Internet subjective camps,
forums. From cars to fishing, from hi-fi to most are missing the
railway modelling, if there’s a fight to be point that this is not
picked, you’ll find it online somewhere. a binary argument.
Even the most innocuous exchanges seem What’s for sure is that
to have the ability to become blazing music remains an
rows at a moment’s notice, and what’s emotional entity that
more, it appears to be getting worse. all hi-fi systems must
A plausible explanation was given in a surely strive to convey
radio discussion the other day, suggesting [see Welcome, p21] SHUTTERSTOCK.COM/SVETAZI
we’re all so frustrated and restrained at
the moment that we’re always on the
lookout for ways to let off steam, either
consciously or less so: we challenge familiar recording, and one I’ve always deliver all the hi-fi stuff, so I’m listening
others, we drive more aggressively, etc. enjoyed, I was struck by the fact that it to the equipment, not the music. While
sounded sort of uninteresting. Yes, it was it can be fun to hear that squeak of a
MEASURING UP an orchestra, and yes it sounded suitably chair, a clip of baton on podium, once,
That may be true – in my limited ventures big and weighty, but also dense and on repeated listening such things can
forth behind the wheel of late, I have lacking in internal detail and impact. become a distraction. That old saw
seen more aggression than usual, from Intrigued, I cued up an alternative of being able to hear the tube trains
the cyclist deliberately weaving to thwart recording – different orchestra/conductor/ rumbling under a concert hall, once
motorists trying to overtake, to the zoom label/era – and, as soon it started to play, held up as the sine qua non of a system’s
up the side of queueing traffi c followed that feeling of relief swept over me. Ah, resolution, is more an irritant than any
by trying to push to the head of the line. that was better: a thrilling performance addition to the musical experience.
Anyway, a good row of the music, rather
was being had online the than a reviewing chore, FOND MEMORIES
other day about one of ‘“We think we’ll allowing me to sit back Now we are deprived of the joy of
the old chestnuts of the and just immerse myself experiencing live performances, I
hi-fi world: the relative stick to playing in the performance. presently seem to have a heightened
merits of subjective and it on our old That’s about as sense of the importance of feeling what
objective assessments. subjective as it gets, the artists were trying to communicate,
In the blue corner, the record player”’ and that’s also what’s and more appreciation of systems that
‘All that matters is how exciting about listening get closest to delivering that.
it sounds to you’ camp, to as much audio I well remember playing, on what at
pooh-poohed by the ‘Only measurements equipment as I do on a day-to-day basis. the time was considered a very good
give the true picture’ brigade, prompting It’s not the technical superiority of system, and after digitising and cleaning
a rejoinder that ‘measurements can only one unit over another, but the level of up the files, a recording of a well-known
tell you part of the story’. And so it went enjoyment it delivers. That old idea of stage performer, the audience comprising
on. Suddenly, I was brought up short by a system communicating the spirit of the performer’s son and daughter-in-law.
the comment that all reviews in hi-fi mags a recording – of musicality, if you like ‘Very nice,’ they said, after the last notes
are subjective – said like it was a bad – is much derided in objectivist circles, died away, ‘but it makes it sound so old
thing, of course [see also p21 and p115]. but experience has taught me that the and scratchy – we think we’ll stick to
Trouble is, ‘subjective’ is actually a components I like are those getting me playing it on our old record player.’ They
good thing, as I realised the other day the most involved in what’s being played. knew how they wanted it to sound, and
when listening to a pair of speakers for Indeed, I’ve encountered too many had memories of it sounding like that –
a forthcoming issue of HFN. Playing a review items I feel are trying too hard to who was I to argue?
DECEMBER 2020 | www.hifi | 107